Perform general procedures of a physician
Direct Observation Tool
Direct Observation Tool
Curriculum Block
Clerkship / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation / Orthopedic Surgery Rotation / Surgery Rotation
- Indicates most relevant
Clerkship Objectives
- The student will be able to explain the techniques of joint aspiration and joint injections.
- The student will understand the principles and techniques of antisepsis in the operating room.
- To develop an understanding of surgical principles as they relate to gynaecologic procedures.
- To demonstrate proficiency in knot tying, suturing and postpartum perineal repair.
AFMC Entrustable Professional Activities
11. Perform general procedures of a physician
AFMC National Clinical Skills
Procedural Skills
CanMEDS Roles
Demonstrate proficient and appropriate use of procedural skills, both diagnostic and therapeutic;
Curriculum Block
Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Orthopedic Surgery Rotation
Surgery Rotation
McMaster Program Competencies
1.6 Perform or assist with medical, diagnostic, and surgical procedures considered essential for the area of practice.
Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures [E01.370]