MF1 Introduction to Medicine Objectives

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Objectives Linked ActivitiesMcMaster Program Competencies

Learning Process

Demonstrate specific actions that build an inclusive and respectful learning environment.

Active Large Group Session: Decolonization of Anatomy
Bias in anatomy.
Active Large Group Session: EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) and Indigenous Reconciliation (part 1)
Equity may be considered both an approach and a process that recognizes the existence of systemic social inequalities and introduces actions to proactively reduce, if not remove, institutional structural and cultural barriers to equal opportunity and inclusion. Diversity is a state or condition that reflects the broad ‘mix’ and layers, of differences in any community. In the university setting, compositional diversity refers to the numeric and proportional representation of different peoples, across many intersecting dimensions of sociocultural group identities. Inclusion is a sense of belonging and dignity, as well as the experience of meaningful engagement, empowerment, and equality of opportunity in a community.
Active Large Group Session: EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) and Indigenous Reconciliation (part 2)
Large Group Session: Introduction to Problem Based Learning
Understanding problem based learning. The why. The process. Roles and resources.
Large Group Session: Professionalism Session 1: Intro to Professionalism in Practice
An introduction to the Professionalism in Practice document.
Tutorial: T. Petty MF1 Respirology
A youth is brought into the emergency department by paramedics after being found unconscious lying on a sewer grate. No further history is available. In the triage unit, the patient’s respiratory rate is 8 breaths per minute, and breaths are shallow. Heart rate is 50 beats per minute. Oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry is 90% on room air. Pupils are constricted and fixed. “Track marks” are noted on the forearms. The triage nurse applies oxygen by mask and the emergency resident orders a medication given through an intravenous line. Three minutes later the patient is awake, agitated, and complaining of severe generalized pain. Respiratory rate is 30 breaths per minute. When the medicine resident arrives at the bedside an hour later to admit the patient, the youth is once more unconscious, breathing slowly and shallowly as on arrival in triage.
3.2 Integrate feedback, external measures of performance and reflective practices to identify strengths, deficiencies, and limits in one’s knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional behaviours

Identify and utilize effective strategies for retaining and retrieving new information, while minimizing time spent on strategies that are less effective.

Large Group Session: Introduction to Problem Based Learning
Understanding problem based learning. The why. The process. Roles and resources.
Large Group Session: Learning Assistance
Large Group Session: Learning Strategies
Tutorial: Nabil Assad MF1 Respirology
Salim takes Nabil, his 7-year-old son, to see Dr. Lockwood, his family doctor, because both of them have a sore throat. Nabil’s younger brother had a sore throat and runny nose a week ago, but he improved quickly. Salim is concerned about Nabil because he seems to be taking longer to improve. Dr. Lockwood asks more details and learns that both Nabil and Salim are mostly having swallowing difficulties but feel otherwise quite well. Salim has a mild cough, but Nabil does not. There have been no rigors, just slight chills last night.
3.3 Set learning and improvement goals
3.4 Identify and perform learning activities that address one’s gaps in knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes

Using principles of self-regulated learning, set SMART learning goals, and make any needed adjustments using appropriate sources of guidance (tutor, teacher, advisor, colleagues).

Large Group Session: Approach to Library Resources
Accessing the library. Health Sciences Library. Library services. Resources for MF 1 and beyond.
Large Group Session: Learning Assistance
Large Group Session: Learning Strategies
3.2 Integrate feedback, external measures of performance and reflective practices to identify strengths, deficiencies, and limits in one’s knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional behaviours
3.3 Set learning and improvement goals


Demonstrate the ability to participate in a group discussion, both by contributing to the discussion and by actively listening to the contributions of colleagues.

Active Large Group Session: Communication Skills With Improvisation and Drama
Large Group Session: Professionalism Session 1: Intro to Professionalism in Practice
An introduction to the Professionalism in Practice document.
Tutorial: All MF1 Respirology tutorial problems
Tutorial: Edwin McKenzie MF1 Respirology
Edwin is a 4-year-old boy enjoying a day at the Caledonia Fall Fair. He is walking around, enjoying the sights while eating a hot dog, when he suddenly begins to choke. Bystanders look on, horrified. An alert medical student, who happens to be taking a break from studying, is on the scene. She rushes over, comes up behind Edwin and administers an abdominal thrust. The piece of hot dog is expelled from Edwin, and he takes a big breath.He is fine, the medical student is relieved and congratulations are offered all around at this happy ending. In speaking with Edwin’s parents after the incident, the medical student notices a colorful circular pin on his mother’s jacket. The medical student inquires about the pin, and Edwin’s mother states the pin represents the Medicine Wheel, an important concept for their family’s health.
Tutorial: Rana Osman MF1 Respirology
Rana Osman is a 2-year-old girl who has been previously well. She has had a barky, seal-like cough for 2 days but tonight has become acutely worse. In the emergency room, she is found to be sitting "bolt upright", with pronounced stridor on inspiration. Her inspiratory phase is prolonged. She has intercostal indrawing and suprasternal indrawing.
4.2 Participate in the education of patients, families, students, trainees, peers and other health professionals
7.1 Work with other health professionals to establish and maintain a climate of mutual respect, dignity, inclusion, ethical integrity, and trust

Explain a concept effectively in a group setting.

Tutorial: All MF1 Respirology tutorial problems
Tutorial: Edwin McKenzie MF1 Respirology
Edwin is a 4-year-old boy enjoying a day at the Caledonia Fall Fair. He is walking around, enjoying the sights while eating a hot dog, when he suddenly begins to choke. Bystanders look on, horrified. An alert medical student, who happens to be taking a break from studying, is on the scene. She rushes over, comes up behind Edwin and administers an abdominal thrust. The piece of hot dog is expelled from Edwin, and he takes a big breath.He is fine, the medical student is relieved and congratulations are offered all around at this happy ending. In speaking with Edwin’s parents after the incident, the medical student notices a colorful circular pin on his mother’s jacket. The medical student inquires about the pin, and Edwin’s mother states the pin represents the Medicine Wheel, an important concept for their family’s health.
Tutorial: Rana Osman MF1 Respirology
Rana Osman is a 2-year-old girl who has been previously well. She has had a barky, seal-like cough for 2 days but tonight has become acutely worse. In the emergency room, she is found to be sitting "bolt upright", with pronounced stridor on inspiration. Her inspiratory phase is prolonged. She has intercostal indrawing and suprasternal indrawing.
4.1 Communicate effectively with patients, families, and the public, as appropriate, across a broad range of socioeconomic and sociocultural backgrounds

Demonstrate the ability to reflect upon the strengths and weakness of their own communication skills.

Active Large Group Session: Communication Skills With Improvisation and Drama
Large Group Session: Professionalism Session 1: Intro to Professionalism in Practice
An introduction to the Professionalism in Practice document.
Tutorial: All MF1 Respirology tutorial problems
Tutorial: Nabil Assad MF1 Respirology
Salim takes Nabil, his 7-year-old son, to see Dr. Lockwood, his family doctor, because both of them have a sore throat. Nabil’s younger brother had a sore throat and runny nose a week ago, but he improved quickly. Salim is concerned about Nabil because he seems to be taking longer to improve. Dr. Lockwood asks more details and learns that both Nabil and Salim are mostly having swallowing difficulties but feel otherwise quite well. Salim has a mild cough, but Nabil does not. There have been no rigors, just slight chills last night.
3.2 Integrate feedback, external measures of performance and reflective practices to identify strengths, deficiencies, and limits in one’s knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional behaviours


Receive an orientation to the Professionalism in Practice expectations of the medical program.

Large Group Session: Professionalism Session 1: Intro to Professionalism in Practice
An introduction to the Professionalism in Practice document.
5.2 Demonstrate compassion, integrity, and respect for others
5.9 Maintain appropriate boundaries with patients and other professionals

Describe how the PIP expectations relate to expectations of practicing physicians.

Large Group Session: Professionalism Session 1: Intro to Professionalism in Practice
An introduction to the Professionalism in Practice document.
5.1 Demonstrate accountability to patients, society, and the profession
5.12 Present oneself professionally to patients, families, and members of the health care team

Explain how the PIP expectations are regulating their own attitudes and behaviours as early medical students.

Large Group Session: Professionalism Session 1: Intro to Professionalism in Practice
An introduction to the Professionalism in Practice document.
5.10 Manage conflicts of interest and dual relationships.
5.8 Balance personal values and beliefs with professional and societal ethics


Identify common challenges faced by students in medical school - dealing with conflict, imposter syndrome, dealing with failure and stress, dealing with illness and unwellness, time management conflicts, financial stress, etc.

Active Large Group Session: EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) and Indigenous Reconciliation (part 1)
Equity may be considered both an approach and a process that recognizes the existence of systemic social inequalities and introduces actions to proactively reduce, if not remove, institutional structural and cultural barriers to equal opportunity and inclusion. Diversity is a state or condition that reflects the broad ‘mix’ and layers, of differences in any community. In the university setting, compositional diversity refers to the numeric and proportional representation of different peoples, across many intersecting dimensions of sociocultural group identities. Inclusion is a sense of belonging and dignity, as well as the experience of meaningful engagement, empowerment, and equality of opportunity in a community.
Active Large Group Session: EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) and Indigenous Reconciliation (part 2)
Large Group Session: Finances & Financial Aid
OSAP, Provincial Funding, McMaster General Bursary & Donor Bursaries, Conference Funding, Conference Funding, Clerkship stipend.
Large Group Session: Physician Humanity Panel #1
The Ups and Downs of Medical School
Large Group Session: Professionalism Session 1: Intro to Professionalism in Practice
An introduction to the Professionalism in Practice document.
Large Group Session: Student Affairs and Wellness
Introduction to Student Affairs and Wellness resources available to students in UGME
8.1 Demonstrate healthy coping mechanisms to respond to stress

Describe the contributors and impediments to professional identity/role development as it relates to the medical profession.

Large Group Session: Physician Humanity Panel #1
The Ups and Downs of Medical School
Large Group Session: Professionalism Session 1: Intro to Professionalism in Practice
An introduction to the Professionalism in Practice document.
8.2 Practice flexibility and maturity in adjusting to change with the capacity to alter one’s behaviour

Describe risk factors for and prevention of “un-wellness” in medical students and physicians.

Active Large Group Session: EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) and Indigenous Reconciliation (part 1)
Equity may be considered both an approach and a process that recognizes the existence of systemic social inequalities and introduces actions to proactively reduce, if not remove, institutional structural and cultural barriers to equal opportunity and inclusion. Diversity is a state or condition that reflects the broad ‘mix’ and layers, of differences in any community. In the university setting, compositional diversity refers to the numeric and proportional representation of different peoples, across many intersecting dimensions of sociocultural group identities. Inclusion is a sense of belonging and dignity, as well as the experience of meaningful engagement, empowerment, and equality of opportunity in a community.
Active Large Group Session: EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) and Indigenous Reconciliation (part 2)
Large Group Session: Physician Humanity Panel #1
The Ups and Downs of Medical School
Large Group Session: Professionalism Session 1: Intro to Professionalism in Practice
An introduction to the Professionalism in Practice document.
Large Group Session: Student Affairs and Wellness
Introduction to Student Affairs and Wellness resources available to students in UGME
8.99 Other personal and professional development