Financial Literacy Activities

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Financial Literacy (Longitudinal Discipline)
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Displaying 7 records
Activities Linked ObjectivesCurriculum BlockGeneral MCC Objectives

Active Large Group Session: A Focus on Insurance and Budgeting

Part 1, Medical Foundation 1, Cardiology, Week 4

Different types of insurance. Personal budgets.

Activity Objectives
Name different types of insurance available to students and analyze the factors that help a person decide when to obtain each type and how much.
Produce a personal budget that applies to you and any dependents/partners.
Part 1
Medical Foundation 1
Week 4

Active Large Group Session: Money and Medical School

Part 1, Medical Foundation 1, Introduction to Medicine

Activity Objectives
Name funding options available throughout medical school and apply for these funding sources.
Sketch out a budget and analyze costs in order to minimize debt accumulation.
Name the types of insurance available and analyze when one should opt-in to these insurance policies.
Categorize the benefits and challenges of transportation options during pre-clerkship and clerkship.
Part 1
Medical Foundation 1
Introduction to Medicine

Large Group Session: Finances & Financial Aid

Part 1, Medical Foundation 1, Introduction to Medicine, Week 1

OSAP, Provincial Funding, McMaster General Bursary & Donor Bursaries, Conference Funding, Conference Funding, Clerkship stipend.

General Objectives
Identify common challenges faced by students in medical school - dealing with conflict, imposter syndrome, dealing with failure and stress, dealing with illness and unwellness, time management conflicts, financial stress, etc.
Part 1
Medical Foundation 1
Introduction to Medicine
Week 1

Active Large Group Session: Entrepreneurship in Medicine

Part 2, Medical Foundation 2, Hematology

Explore the opportunities an MD degree can open up for them outside of medicine. Analyze options outside of the medical realm with respect to their future career. Contrast the utility of other degrees on top of an MD in developing one’s career.

Activity Objectives
Explore the opportunities an MD degree can open up for them outside of medicine.
Analyze options outside of the medical realm with respect to their future career.
Contrast the utility of other degrees on top of an MD in developing one’s career.
Part 2
Medical Foundation 2

Active Large Group Session: Running a Practice and the Costs Associated

Part 3, Medical Foundation 3, Endocrinology, Week 2

Remuneration models. OHIP vs private billing. Costs associated with working in a hospital vs a clinic. Benefits of Medical Professional Corporation.

Activity Objectives
Identify different physician remuneration models and analyze the benefits/drawbacks of each.
Compare OHIP based physician remuneration with private billing.
Identify the costs associated with working in a hospital as opposed to working in a clinic.
Summarize the potential benefits of a Medical Professional Corporation and its impact on Personal Financial Planning.
Part 3
Medical Foundation 3
Week 2
Activity Objectives
Define RESP, RRSP and TFSA, and the rules for each program.
Define the components of an investment portfolio and investment vehicles.
Evaluate the impact of compound interest and its effect on returns.
Define a T-rex score.
Identify the sources of debt in medical school and residency.
Summarize how to consolidate debt and analyze whether to do so.
Name the resources available to manage one’s debt.
Part 5
Integration Foundation
Week 3

Concept Integration and Review: Financial Survival after Medical School

Post-clerkship, Concept Integration and Review

Deductions levied on salaries. Budgeting, debt managment, insurance and estate planning. Retirement.

Activity Objectives
List the various deductions levied on salary.
Summarize a mechanism for budgeting, debt management, insurance planning, and estate planning.
Start saving for retirement.
Concept Integration and Review