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Understand cancer as a disease of dysregulated cellular processes.
How can chemicals, radiation and viruses cause cancer?
What is hereditary versus familial cancer?
Are childhood cancers and adult cancers different?
What are the gold standards of cancer diagnosis?
What is a tumour marker and how can it be used?
What is the TNM staging system and what is its relevance?
What are prognostic factors?
What are the goals of surgery in cancer patients?
What is meant by curative, adjuvant and palliative therapy?
What are the predominant classes of systemic therapy?
What is a predictive versus a prognostic factor?
How is radiation used to treat cancers?
Are there long-term consequences of common cancer therapies?
What is the effect of cancer on bone?
What is cancer cachexia?
Understand the role of palliative care in cancer patients.
Understand the impact of cancer on the population as a whole.