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Curriculum Objective
Clerkship Objectives
Benign and Malignant Skin Lesions (Skin / Soft tissue)
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Child Objectives
Describe the commonly used local anesthetics.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of epinephrine in the local anesthetic.
Discuss special precautions needed on the digits.
Discuss safe dosage ranges of the common anesthetics and the potential toxicities of these drugs.
Describe the common benign skin lesions and their treatment (papillomas, skin tags, subcutaneous cysts, lipomas).
Describe the characteristics, typical location, etiology and incidence of basal cell and squamous skin cancers.
Discuss the relationship (of benign and malignant skin lesions) to solar irradiation, ethnicity, previous tissue injury, and immunosuppression.
Discuss the characteristics of malignant skin lesions which distinguish them from benign lesions.
Describe the characteristics, typical locations, etiology and incidence of malignant melanoma.
Discuss the relationship of melanoma to benign nevi and characteristics which help differentiate them.
Discuss risk factors for melanoma.
What are the lesions which have high potential for malignant transformation?
Discuss the various types of melanoma and prognosis for each type.
Discuss the relationship of size and thickness to prognosis. (melanoma)
Discuss the usual treatment for cutaneous melanoma including margins, depth and lymph node management including sentinel node mapping.