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Curriculum Objective
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Describe the priorities and sequence of a trauma patient evaluation (ABC's).
Describe the four classes of hemorrhagic shock and how to recognize them.
Describe the appropriate fluid resuscitation of a trauma victim.
Discuss choice of IV access (of a trauma patient).
Discuss the choice of fluid and use of blood components (for a trauma patient).
Discuss the differences between adult and pediatric resuscitation.
Discuss the types, etiology and prevention of coagulopathies typically found in patients with massive hemorrhage.
Describe the appropriate triage of a patient in a trauma system.
Describe the diagnostic evaluation, differences between blunt and penetrating mechanisms of injury and the initial management of: Spine injury; Thoracic injury; Abdominal injury; Urinary injury.
Describe the early management of a major burn.
Discuss estimation of total body surface burn and burn depth.
Discuss fluid resuscitation, choice of fluid and monitoring for adequacy of resuscitation (rule of 9's, differences in pediatric and adult management).
Discuss options for topical antimicrobial therapy.
Discuss inhalation injury, CO poisoning and triage of patients to burn centers.
Discuss the basic principles of wound coverage, skin grafting, and timing.
Discuss the assessment and need for escharotomy.