Curriculum Objective
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship Objectives
To describe the relationship between psychologic issues and obstetric and gynecologic events.
Curriculum Block
Clerkship / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
- Indicates most relevant
CanMEDS Roles
Medical Expert
Curriculum Block
Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Obstetrics and Gynecology
McMaster Program Competencies
6.2 Identify aspects of the healthcare system that serve as barriers and enablers of providing healthcare to and optimizing the health of patients and the population
2.5 Apply principles of socio-behavioural sciences to the provision of patient care, including assessment of the impact of psychosocial and cultural influences on health, disease, care-seeking, care concordance, care adherence and barriers to and attitudes toward care.
Stress, Psychological [F02.830.900]
Gynecology [H02.403.810.310]
Obstetrics [H02.403.810.450]