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Medical Records [L01.280.900.968]
Activities (6)
Assessments (1)
Objectives (29)
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Teresa J. MF1 Respirology
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Respirology / Week 3
Transition to Clerkship Self-Directed Learning Path
e-Learning Module
Transition to Clerkship / Clerkship
Orientation to Emergency Medicine
Large Group Session
Clerkship / Emergency Medicine Rotation
How Emerg Docs Think
Watching a Video
Clerkship / Emergency Medicine Rotation
How to present in the Emergency Department
Watching a Video
Clerkship / Emergency Medicine Rotation
Present oral and written reports that document a clinical encounter
Direct Observation Tool
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation / Psychiatry Rotation
Students will learn the essential elements of sound record-keeping.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Demonstrate thorough, clear, and concise documentation and charting.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Emergency Medicine Rotation
Validate and obtain historical information from other relevant informants (eg. partner, caregiver, Community Care Access Centre, family physician) where indicated.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Internal Medicine Rotation
Document the patient interview in a concise, organized written and verbal report.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Internal Medicine Rotation
Communicate results of the functional assessment in well-organized written & oral reports.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Internal Medicine Rotation
Document the findings of the physical exam in a concise, organized written or oral report.
Clerkship Objectives
Internal Medicine Rotation
Record the results of laboratory tests in an organized manner.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Internal Medicine Rotation
Communicate the relevant results of the examination in well organized written and oral reports
Framework Objectives
Medical Foundation 1 / Medical Foundation 2 / Medical Foundation 3 / Integration Foundation / Medical Foundation 4 / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
To communicate the results of history in a well-organized oral and written report.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Communicate results of the pediatric history in a well organized written and oral report
Clerkship Objectives
Pediatrics Rotation
Communicate results of the pediatric physical examination in a well organized written and oral report
Clerkship Objectives
Pediatrics Rotation
Demonstrate clear, legible, and accurate ‘doctors orders’ (such as investigations, medication orders and outpatient prescriptions).
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Pediatrics Rotation
Ability to record, present, research, critique and manage clinical information
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Medical Subspecialty Selective
Learn the importance of medical documentation and how to document clearly and in an organized manner in the patient’s chart.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Medical Subspecialty Selective
Maintain comprehensive, organized, timely, and legible medical records.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Medical Subspecialty Selective
Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills in documenting clinical encounters, making oral case presentations, prescription writing and making referrals to other care providers through clear, concise, efficient communication strategies.
Clerkship Objectives
Family Medicine TTR / Clerkship / Family Medicine Rotation
Demonstrate organised, complete, informative, legible, and accurate written/electronic information related to clinical encounters (such as: admission histories, progress notes, and discharge summaries).
Clerkship Objectives
Pediatrics TTR / Clerkship / Pediatrics Rotation
Demonstrate proficiency in documentation and communication in psychiatry.
Clerkship Objectives
Psychiatry TTR / Clerkship / Psychiatry Rotation
Communicate results of the history in well organized written and oral reports
Clerkship Objectives
Surgery TTR / Clerkship / Surgery Rotation / Transition to Residency
Communicate the relevant results of the examination in well organized written & oral reports
Clerkship Objectives
Surgery TTR / Clerkship / Surgery Rotation / Transition to Residency
Demonstrate management of practice environments, including charting, public reporting expectations, and malpractice risks.
General Objectives
The learner will use appropriate record keeping when caring for patients. For example:
Framework Objectives
The learner will construct structured notes (e.g., subjective, objective, assessment, plan [SOAP] structure).
Framework Objectives
The learner will construct well-organised and comprehensive problem lists.
Framework Objectives
The learner will construct well-organised summaries/consultations to another health care provider.
Framework Objectives
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