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Primary Prevention [N06.850.780.680]
Child Tags (1)
Activities (4)
Assessments (1)
Objectives (8)
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Child Tags
Immunization [N06.850.780.680.310]
Global Health
PC Session
Part 4 / Professional Competencies 4 / Week 10
Family Medicine Pediatric Case
e-Learning Module
Clerkship / Family Medicine Rotation
Care of Children
e-Learning Module Completion
Clerkship / Family Medicine Rotation
Explain the concept of illness prevention and understand the physician’s role in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Recognize the diverse factors that influence the health of the individual and the community, and respond to these factors by advocating the appropriate course of action at both the individual and the community level.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Understand the stages of change model and appreciate the role of harm reduction in helping patients make change and improve behaviours.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Compare and contrast the clinical and population approaches to health.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Well Child Care (newborn, infant, child) : Anticipatory guidance, Circumcision, Crying / colic, Dental health, Discipline / Parenting, Growth – Head circumference, Height, Weight, Body mass index, Health active living, Hearing, Hypertension, Immunizations Injury prevention, Normal development, Nutrition & Feeding, Sleep issues, Social-economic / cultural / home / environment, Sudden infant death syndrome
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Pediatrics Rotation
Engage in advocacy, health promotion and disease prevention with patients and families including: mental health, child maltreatment, healthy active living, safety, and early literacy support.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Pediatrics Rotation
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Tag Parent
Public Health Practice [N06.850.780]
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