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Taught Elsewhere
Objectives (107)
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Establish rapport with patients
Framework Objectives
Medical Foundation 1 / Medical Foundation 2
Cite normal variations in secondary sex characteristics
Framework Objectives
Medical Foundation 2
List the definition of hirsutism and virilisation
Framework Objectives
Medical Foundation 2
List causes of hirsutism and virilization including ovarian, adrenal, pituitary and pharmacological
Framework Objectives
Medical Foundation 2
Evaluate patient with hirsutism or virilization
Framework Objectives
Medical Foundation 2
Recognize commonly used medications which are appropriate and inappropriate to use while breast feeding
Framework Objectives
Medical Foundation 3
Counsel the lactating patient about commonly asked questions such as frequency, duration, inadequate production of milk etc.
Framework Objectives
Medical Foundation 3
Assess his/her own strengths and weaknesses with regard to personal interactions
Framework Objectives
Medical Foundation 1 / Medical Foundation 2 / Medical Foundation 3 / Integration Foundation / Medical Foundation 4
Discuss the diagnosis and treatment of compartment syndrome.
Clerkship Objectives
Describe the role of the preoperative anesthetic assessment with regards to optimizing patient risk.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Assess the patient's airway for ease of mask ventilation, LMA insertion or endotracheal intubation.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Assess a patient's fluid/volume status (using history, physical exam, available monitors and laboratory investigations)
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Medical Foundation 1 / Anesthesia Rotation
Provide compassionate and reassuring care to patients in the perioperative setting
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Explain the presentation and management of malignant hyperthermia as an example of the hypermetabolic state
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Describe modalities used to control pain in the perioperative period: opioids, NSAIDs (including Acetaminophen), steroids, regional techniques and local anesthesia. Explain how analgesics are used in a mulitmodal fashion.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
List indications for endotracheal intubation, use of LMA, and indications for mechanical ventilation
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Provide a patent airway in an unconscious, adult patient, with or without the use of an airway device (oral or nasal airway), with minimal or no assistance.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Prepare airway management equipment: laryngoscope, suction, styletted endotracheal tube, laryngeal mask airway.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Position the unconscious, adult patient or appropriate simulation device for insertion of an LMA or for performance of laryngoscopy with minimal assistance.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Explain how euvolemia can be disturbed/altered in the perioperative period and how these alterations are managed.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Explain the fluid management issues of the pediatric patient.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Describe the determinants of cardiac output. Explain the relationship between myocardial oxygen supply and demand and how we can alter each aspect of the relationship perioperatively.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Define shock and explain how shock can be classified (types and degree). Describe potential treatments for the patient in shock, including the rational use of vasoactive and inotropic medications.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Prepare the equipment and supplies needed to insert an intravenous in an adult patient.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Describe appropriate uses for the following crystalloid solutions: normal saline, Ringer's lactate, D5W, D5W/NS. Describe appropriate uses of the colloid solutions albumin and Pentaspan. Explain the complications of using these fluids.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Take a history from a geriatric patient, with special emphasis on physical and mental functioning.
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Validate and obtain historical information from other relevant informants (e.g. partner, caregiver, community care access centre, family physician) when indicated.
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Collect accurate information regarding function in basic and instrumental activities of daily living.
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Perform a physical examination on an elderly patient, adapting it to possible conditions of frailty, immobility, hearing loss, memory loss and other impairments.
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Perform a mental status examination to evaluate confusion and/or memory loss in an elderly patient, including the use of appropriate tools (e.g. Mini Mental Status Examination)
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
For a geriatric syndrome, generate a list of probable contributing factors.
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Consider community and hospital resources available to assist in the management of the older patient.
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Appreciate the role of team members such as family physician, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, recreation therapist, social worker, pharmacist, nurse and family members.
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Participate in an interdisciplinary approach to assessment, management and rehabilitation of elderly patients.
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Heart Failure
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Pressure Ulcers
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Decision Making Capacity
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Applies DSM or CAM criteria for diagnosis of delirium
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Identifies risk factors for delirium
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Searches for reversible etiologies
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Recommends appropriate supportive and symptomatic care
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Identifies strategies to prevent complications
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Performs and interprets Geriatric Depression Scale
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Recognizes relationship between cognitive impairment and depression
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Recognizes how clinical presentation of depression differs in older adults
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Evaluates acute urinary incontinence
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Evaluates chronic urinary incontinence
Clerkship Objectives
Geriatrics Rotation
Validate and obtain historical information from other relevant informants (eg. partner, caregiver, Community Care Access Centre, family physician) where indicated.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Internal Medicine Rotation
Document the patient interview in a concise, organized written and verbal report.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Internal Medicine Rotation
Describe modalities of analgesia used in labour and delivery
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Describe the anesthetic management of the patient undergoing Cesarean section
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Work cooperatively with patients, their social supports, and other members of the health care team
Framework Objectives
Medical Foundation 1 / Medical Foundation 2 / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Evaluate the costs and benefits of routine health surveillance
Framework Objectives
Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Perform a physical exam to obstetrical patients
Framework Objectives
Medical Foundation 3 / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Answer commonly asked questions regarding pregnancy, labour and delivery
Framework Objectives
Medical Foundation 3 / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Red blood cell antigens
Framework Objectives
Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Use of immunoglobulin prophylaxis during pregnancy
Framework Objectives
Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Clinical circumstances under which D isoimmunization is likely to occur
Framework Objectives
Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Methods used to determine maternal isoimmunization and severity of fetal involvement
Framework Objectives
Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Describe the main physiologic differences between pediatric and adult patients and explain their implication on anesthetic management
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation / Pediatrics Rotation
Consequences of normal aging versus disease including an understanding of the heterogeneous nature of the aged population, and Canadian demographics of aging.
Clerkship Objectives
Preventive health care strategies for the elderly and the importance of this
Clerkship Objectives
Educate the patient regarding breast self-examination
Framework Objectives
Blood Pressure Monitoring
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Pap Smear
Framework Objectives
Blood lipid profiles
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Describe the components of various blood products and indications for their use
Framework Objectives
Standards of surveillance of an adult woman, including breast self-examination, physical examination and mammography
Framework Objectives
Diagnostic approach to a woman with the chief complaint of a breast mass, nipple discharge, or breast pain
Framework Objectives
History and physical findings that might suggest the following abnormalities (of the breast):
Framework Objectives
Intraductal papilloma
Framework Objectives
Fibrocystic changes
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Carcinoma (Breast)
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
A woman how to perform a breast self-examination
Framework Objectives
Normal Puberty, including:
Framework Objectives
Physiological events that take place in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis and their target organs during puberty
Framework Objectives
Sequence of and expected age at which pubertal changes will occur
Framework Objectives
Psychological aspects of puberty
Framework Objectives
Characteristics, causes and diagnostic approach to early or delayed puberty onset
Framework Objectives
Physiologic, emotional, and societal influences on sexuality during: i) Childhood
Framework Objectives
Physiologic, emotional, and societal influences on sexuality during: ii) Adolescence
Framework Objectives
Physiologic, emotional, and societal influences on sexuality during: iv) Post-reproductive years
Framework Objectives
Patterns of sexual function and dysfunction
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
Framework Objectives
The student's own sexuality may influence self-awareness of the perception and management of patients
Framework Objectives
Behaviour patterns of seductive patients
Framework Objectives
Appropriate boundaries of physician behaviour
Framework Objectives
Child sexual assault victim
Framework Objectives
Techniques for assessing newborn status
Framework Objectives
Immediate care of the normal newborn
Framework Objectives
Situations requiring immediate intervention in newborn care
Framework Objectives
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