Curriculum Objective
Clerkship Objectives
Explain how euvolemia can be disturbed/altered in the perioperative period and how these alterations are managed.

Curriculum Block

Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
- Indicates most relevant


Clinical Exposure
Clerkship Teaching Session


CanMEDS Roles
Medical Expert
Curriculum Block
Clerkship Anesthesia Rotation
Level Of Competence
Knows How - Clerkship
McMaster Program Competencies
1.1 Gather essential and accurate information about patients and their health through history-taking, physical examination, and the use of laboratory data, imaging, and other tests. 1.2 Organize and prioritize responsibilities to provide care that is safe, effective, and efficient 2.2 Apply biomedical scientific principles fundamental to health care for patients and populations. 1.3 Interpret laboratory data, imaging studies, and other tests required for the area of practice 2.3 Apply principles of clinical sciences to diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making, clinical problem-solving, and other aspects of evidence-based healthcare 1.4 Make informed decision about diagnostic and therapeutic interventions based on patient information and preferences, up-to-date scientific evidence, and clinical judgment 1.5 Develop and carry out patient management plans 3.9 Continually identify, analyze, and implement new knowledge, guidelines, standards, technologies, products, or services that have been demonstrated to improve outcomes
Blood Volume [G09.188.130] Perioperative Period [E04.614]
Objective Type
Taught Elsewhere Core

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