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Curriculum Database
MCC Blueprint
Activities (3)
Assessments (4)
Objectives (12)
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Communication Skills With Improvisation and Drama
Active Large Group Session
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Introduction to Medicine / Week 1
Adolescent History Practice Case - Behaviour Concerns
Clinical Skills Sessions
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 1
Shelley Williams MF4 Brain and Behaviour
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour / Week 4
MF 3
PC Integrative Exercise
Part 3 / Professional Competencies 3 / Week 5
Integration Foundation (IF)
PC Integrative Exercise
Part 4 / Professional Competencies 4 / Week 7
Explain a concept effectively in a group setting.
General Objectives
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Introduction to Medicine
To describe the 3 fundamental rules of improv and their applicability to communication.
Activity Objectives
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Introduction to Medicine
Communicate effectively with patients and families as appropriate, across a broad range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Medical Subspecialty Selective
Communicate effectively with colleagues and other health care professionals.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Medical Subspecialty Selective
Demonstrate sensitivity, honesty, and compassion in difficult conversations, including those about death, end of life, adverse events, bad news, disclosure of errors, and other sensitive topics.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Medical Subspecialty Selective
Demonstrate insight and understanding about emotions and human responses to emotions that allow one to develop and manage interpersonal interactions.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Medical Subspecialty Selective
Enhance communication skills and awareness in pain assessments with Indigenous patients and their families.
Activity Objectives
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MCC Blueprint
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Physician Activities
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