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Neoplasms [C04]
Child Tags (11)
Activities (7)
Objectives (47)
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Child Tags
Cysts [C04.182]
Neoplasms by Site [C04.588]
Paraneoplastic Syndromes [C04.730]
Neoplasms by Histologic Type [C04.557]
Neoplasms, Multiple Primary [C04.651]
Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary [C04.700]
Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced [C04.682]
Neoplastic Processes [C04.697]
Neoplasms, Hormone-Dependent [C04.626]
Neoplasms, Second Primary [C04.692]
Precancerous Conditions [C04.834]
Nutrition & Disease Prevention and Treatment (Archived)
Large Group Session
Medical Foundation 2
Introduction to Oncology
Active Large Group Session
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Hematology / Week 4
Giuseppe Carnivale MF4 MSK
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Musculoskeletal Medicine / Week 4
P.J. Peters (Part 2) IF Host Defence and Neoplasia
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Host Defense and Neoplasia / Week 2
Intro to Neoplasia 101 (Archived)
Large Group Session
Principles of Surgical Oncology (Archived)
Large Group Session
Describe the mechanism of action of an oncogene and a tumour suppressor gene.
General Objectives
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Hematology
Describe what is required for a cancer cell to metastasize, and how this impacts treatment approaches.
General Objectives
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Hematology
Describe imaging modalities used to stage cancer.
General Objectives
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Hematology
Upon completion of this case, students will be able to describe the role of tumour suppressor genes in the generation of cancers, and be able to identify the elements of pediatric oncology that are different from adult oncology.
Global Objectives
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Hematology
Discuss cancer as a disease of dysregulated cellular processes.
Activity Objectives
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Hematology
Describe the role of systemic vs. focal therapies in the management of cancer.
Activity Objectives
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Hematology
Describe the short and long term consequences of cancer therapy.
Activity Objectives
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Hematology
Explain modifiable and non-modifiable causes of cancer.
General Objectives
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Host Defense and Neoplasia
Explain the basis of cancer diagnosis and prognosis.
General Objectives
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Host Defense and Neoplasia
Describe the principles of cancer screening?
General Objectives
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Host Defense and Neoplasia
Describe the role of surgery, radiation and systemic therapy in the management of cancer.
General Objectives
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Host Defense and Neoplasia
Describe common oncologic emergencies.
General Objectives
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Host Defense and Neoplasia
Upon completion of this problem, the student should be able to define the terms “primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention” as they relate to cancer. Students should be able to describe the characteristics of an effective population screening program and the mechanisms by which screening can reduce the burden of cancer.
Global Objectives
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Host Defense and Neoplasia
To develop a good basic understanding of cancer.
General Objectives
Understand cancer as a disease of dysregulated cellular processes.
General Objectives
What is a tumour suppressor gene?
General Objectives
How can chemicals, radiation and viruses cause cancer?
General Objectives
Are childhood cancers and adult cancers different?
General Objectives
What are the gold standards of cancer diagnosis?
General Objectives
What is a tumour marker and how can it be used?
General Objectives
What are prognostic factors?
General Objectives
What are the goals of surgery in cancer patients?
General Objectives
What are the predominant classes of systemic therapy?
General Objectives
What is a predictive versus a prognostic factor?
General Objectives
How is radiation used to treat cancers?
General Objectives
Are there long-term consequences of common cancer therapies?
General Objectives
What is cancer cachexia?
General Objectives
Understand the role of palliative care in cancer patients.
General Objectives
Understand the impact of cancer on the population as a whole.
General Objectives
What are the current trends in incidence of cancer and its various types?
General Objectives
What are the reasons behind the current trends in incidence of cancer and its various types?
General Objectives
How are the costs of cancer care impacting the health care system?
General Objectives
The evolution of clonal populations of genetically abnormal cells, and the types of genes and mutations which cause malignancy.
General Objectives
How to distinguish sporadic cancers from hereditary cancers, and current practices in genetic counseling and clinical management of people at increased risk for hereditary cancers.
General Objectives
Interactions of environmental risk factors and genetic predisposition in common cancers.
General Objectives
Upon completion of this case, students will be able to describe the role of oncogenes in the generation of cancers and be able to describe the importance of pathology in the diagnosis and management of cancer.
Global Objectives
Describe how sporadic and hereditary cancers arise from normal tissues.
General Objectives
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