P.J. Peters (Part 2) IF Host Defence and Neoplasia
When you see Mr. Peters next, you learn that he had continued to take his HAART faithfully an additional 6 months after he last saw you. He had been feeling physically well and figured his virus was under control (as he recalled it had last been "non-detectable") and so began questioning the need to continue his medications. He was concerned about long-term side effects of therapy and figured he could diminish his risk by reducing his exposure to HAART. Moreover he had started a new job around that time and did not want anyone to inadvertently find out about his diagnosis of HIV. He therefore elected to stop taking his anti-retrovirals. Mr. Peters was reluctant to tell his physicians about his decision and so he had not come back for his follow ups. He returns today complaining of a new painful rash on his chest that appeared 2 days prior. Additionally he notes a 3-month history of increasing fatigue as well as intermittent fevers, night sweats and a 20 lb weight loss. On examination his temperature is 37.2º C, blood pressure 135/80, pulse 79. There are 2 cm nodes palpable in the cervical and axillary areas bilaterally. His throat is clear. When you examine his chest you notice a vesicular rash over the right side of his chest extending from the midline towards his right axilla at the level of his nipple. Examination of his respiratory and cardiovascular system are unremarkable. His abdomen is soft with no palpable masses or organomegaly. Examination of his extremities is unremarkable.

Curriculum Block

Host Defense and Neoplasia / Integration Foundation / Part 5 / Week 2
- Indicates most relevant


General Objectives
Global Objectives


Mid-Unit Tutorial Assessment
Concept Application Exercise (CAE)
End-Unit Tutorial Assessment


Curriculum Block
Host Defense and Neoplasia Integration Foundation Part 5 Week 2
Curriculum Week
IF Week 2
Allergy and Immunology Infectious Diseases Medical Oncology
Longitudinal Discipline
MCC Presentations
Fatigue Fever in the Immune Compromised Host / Recurrent Fever Lymphadenopathy Skin and Integument Conditions Weight Loss / Eating Disorders / Anorexia
McMaster Program Competencies
2.2 Apply biomedical scientific principles fundamental to health care for patients and populations. 2.5 Apply principles of socio-behavioural sciences to the provision of patient care, including assessment of the impact of psychosocial and cultural influences on health, disease, care-seeking, care concordance, care adherence and barriers to and attitudes toward care.
HIV Infections [C20.673.480] Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome [C02.782.815.616.400.040] Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active [E02.319.310.075] B-Lymphocytes [A11.063.438] B-Lymphocytes [A15.382.490.555.567.562] Carcinogenesis [C04.697.098] Cell Transformation, Viral [C04.697.098.500.160] Disease Progression [C23.550.291.656 Herpesviridae Infections [C02.256.466] HIV Infections [C02.782.815.616.400] HIV Infections [C02.800.801.400] HIV [B04.820.650.589.650.350] Immunocompromised Host [G12.470] Immunosuppression [E02.095.465.425.450] Lymphoma, AIDS-Related [C20.683.515.761.480.150.450] Lymphoma, B-Cell [C20.683.515.761.480.150] Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin [C04.557.386.480] Medication Adherence [F01.145.488.500.500] Neoplasms [C04] Patient Compliance [F01.145.488.500] T-Lymphocytes [A11.118.637.555.567.569] Varicella Zoster Virus Infection [C02.256.466.930] Viruses [B04]

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