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Neurodevelopmental Disorders [F03.625]
Child Tags (7)
Activities (5)
Objectives (10)
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Child Tags
Anxiety, Separation [F03.625.047]
Reactive Attachment Disorder [F03.625.937]
Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders [F03.625.094]
Developmental Disabilities [F03.625.421]
Child Behavior Disorders [F03.625.141]
Child Development Disorders, Pervasive [F03.625.164]
Motor Skills Disorders [F03.625.813]
Ali Khan IF Chronicity and Complexity
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Complexity and Chronicity / Week 2
Psychiatric Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence
Clerkship Teaching Session
Clerkship / Psychiatry Rotation
Eating Disorders and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Clerkship / Psychiatry Rotation
General Pediatrics
Concept Integration and Review
Post-clerkship / Concept Integration and Review
Recall major normal neurodevelopmental milestones in child development.
General Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Neuroscience
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to discuss and identify normal and delayed neurodevelopment in childhood.
Global Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Neuroscience
Define “developmental delay”.
General Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Neuroscience
Development / Behavioural / Learning Problems: Attention deficient disorders, Autism spectrum disorder, Cerebral palsy, Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, Global delay, Gross motor delay, Learning disability, Speech / language delay
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Pediatrics Rotation
Child and Adolescent Psych (pediatric manifestation of common disorders, pediatric tx issues and their controversies): Neurodevelopmental disorders: intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, genetic syndromes ( e.g. Down, Fragile X, Fetal Alcohol), learning and communication disorders, AD/HD and treatments. Disruptive behaviour disorders (ODD, CD) Mood and anxiety disorders (incl. separation and school anxiety, and DMDD), use of SSRI in pediatric population Eating disorders. Key points in assessment of child and family functioning.
Clerkship Objectives
Psychiatry TTR / Clerkship / Psychiatry Rotation
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Mental Disorders [F03]
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