Jesse Knox MF2 Hematology
Mr. Knox is a 22-year-old male undergoing chemotherapy treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukemia. He was seen in clinic last week for chemotherapy, and he was relieved to see that his neutrophil count was back up above 1 (ANC 1000). He had no evidence of bleeding, and his platelet count was 110. He tolerated his intravenous chemotherapy and anti-emetics well, and went home to recover for the weekend. Eight days later, Jesse is feeling unwell and checks his temperature as he has been taught to do – it reads 38.5 deg C orally, so he presents to the ER as instructed. Apart from the fever, his only complaint is a sore mouth. He denies cough, shortness of breath, dysuria or change in bowel movements. Physical exam reveals a tired and pale-looking young man. His blood pressure is 105/60, heart rate 125 bpm, respiratory rate 18 and a temperature of 38.9 deg C. His tongue has a white coating and his gums look sore. His central line catheter site appears clean.

Curriculum Block

Hematology / Medical Foundation 2 / Part 2 / Week 4
- Indicates most relevant


General Objectives
Global Objectives


End-Unit Tutorial Assessment
Concept Application Exercise (CAE)


Basic Sciences
Adverse effects Biochemistry Histology Immunology Pathology Pharmacology
Cohort Year
Curriculum Block
Hematology Medical Foundation 2 Part 2 Week 4
Curriculum Week
Part 2 Week 7
Clinical pathology Hematology Medical Oncology
Longitudinal Discipline
MCC Presentations
Fever in the Immune Compromised Host / Recurrent Fever Oral Conditions
McMaster Program Competencies
2.2 Apply biomedical scientific principles fundamental to health care for patients and populations. 2.3 Apply principles of clinical sciences to diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making, clinical problem-solving, and other aspects of evidence-based healthcare
Anti-Infective Agents [D27.505.954.122] Antibiotics, Antifungal [D27.505.954.122.136.073] Candidiasis, Oral [C01.150.703.160.180] Chemotherapy, Adjuvant [E02.186.170] Chemotherapy-Induced Febrile Neutropenia [C15.378.553.546.184.564.750.500] Drug Therapy [E02.319] Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions [C25.100] Fever [C23.888.119.344] Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor [D12.644.276.374.410.240.350] Histology [H01.158.100.656] Immune System [A15.382] Immunocompromised Host [G12.470] Leukemia [C04.557.337] Neutropenia [C15.378.553.546.184.564] Pathology, Clinical [H02.403.650.500] Physical Examination [E01.370.600]