Curriculum Objective
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship Objectives
Recommend medication management, monitoring and counselling, including: Classes of psychiatric medications and their indications. Medication counselling: indications, choice, side effects, etc. Pre-medication work-up. Medication monitoring and work-up. Side effects (blood tests and physical e.g. AIMS). Metabolic syndromes and monitoring. Special populations (pediatric, geriatric, pregnancy). Acute syndromes/reactions (NMS, dystonia, serotonin syndrome, toxicity).
Curriculum Block
Psychiatry TTR / Clerkship / Psychiatry Rotation
- Indicates most relevant
Clinical Exposure
Clerkship Teaching Session
- Geriatric Psychiatry
- Psychiatric Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence
- Antidepressants
- Antipsychotics
- Anxiolytics/sedatives
- Mood Stabilizers
- Psychotropic Medications for ADHD & Dementia
- Toxidromes and the Agitated Patient
- Acute Psychiatry
AFMC Entrustable Professional Activities
5. Formulate, communicate and implement management plans
Basic Sciences
CanMEDS Roles
Medical Expert
Curriculum Block
Psychiatry TTR
Psychiatry Rotation
Level Of Competence
Does - Clerkship
McMaster Program Competencies
2.3 Apply principles of clinical sciences to diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making, clinical problem-solving, and other aspects of evidence-based healthcare
1.5 Develop and carry out patient management plans
2.5 Apply principles of socio-behavioural sciences to the provision of patient care, including assessment of the impact of psychosocial and cultural influences on health, disease, care-seeking, care concordance, care adherence and barriers to and attitudes toward care.
1.7 Counsel and educate patients and their families to empower them to participate in their care and enable shared decision-making
1.9 Provide health care services to patients, families, and communities aimed at preventing health problems or maintaining health
Counseling [F02.784.176]
Psychopharmacology [F04.096.712]
Medication Therapy Management [N04.590.661]
Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions [C25.100]
Objective Type