Emily Slott MF4 Neurology
Emily Slott is a 10-year-old girl who has been brought to the Emergency Department with a new onset of seizures. Emily is reported by her parents to have been previously healthy and developmentally normal. She began complaining of headache and fatigue yesterday. She was given some acetaminophen and went to bed. When her mother checked on her, she had an oral temperature of 39.9°C. She was very sleepy, but took more acetaminophen. This morning, when her mother was going past Emily’s room, she heard some unusual thumping and gurgling noises. When she entered the room, she found Emily laying in bed “stiff as a board”, “frothing at the mouth”, with “her whole body shaking” and “her eyes rolled back in her head”. From when her mother found her, the event lasted an additional 2-3 minutes. After the shaking stopped, Emily became limp and unresponsive. She was still febrile. EMS was called and Emily was brought to the hospital.

Curriculum Block

Medical Foundation 4 / Neuroscience / Part 4 / Week 4
- Indicates most relevant


General Objectives
Global Objectives


End-Unit Tutorial Assessment
Mini Concept Application Exercise (CAE)


Basic Sciences
Adverse effects Anatomy Pharmacology Physiology
Curriculum Block
Medical Foundation 4 Neuroscience Part 4 Week 4
Curriculum Week
Part 4 Week 8
Emergency Medicine Infectious Diseases Neurology Pediatrics Pharmacology
MCC Presentations
Fever and Hyperthermia Movement Disorders, Involuntary / Tic Disorders Seizures / Epilepsy
McMaster Program Competencies
1.1 Gather essential and accurate information about patients and their health through history-taking, physical examination, and the use of laboratory data, imaging, and other tests. 1.3 Interpret laboratory data, imaging studies, and other tests required for the area of practice 1.4 Make informed decision about diagnostic and therapeutic interventions based on patient information and preferences, up-to-date scientific evidence, and clinical judgment 1.5 Develop and carry out patient management plans 2.2 Apply biomedical scientific principles fundamental to health care for patients and populations. 2.3 Apply principles of clinical sciences to diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making, clinical problem-solving, and other aspects of evidence-based healthcare
Anticonvulsants [D27.505.954.427.080] Carbamazepine [D03.494.240.127] Central Nervous System Agents [D27.505.954.427] Child [M01.060.406] Contraindications, Drug [E02.208.200] Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions [C25.100] Encephalitis, Viral [C01.207.245.340] Epilepsy [C10.228.140.490] Limbic System [A08.186.211.464] Memory [F02.463.425.540] Memory, Short-Term [F02.463.425.540.407] Phenytoin [D03.383.129.308.432.555.730] Seizures [C10.228.140.490.631] Status Epilepticus [C10.228.140.490.690] Therapeutic Uses [D27.505.954] Valproic Acid [D02.241.081.944.509.900] Valproic Acid [D10.251.400.895.593.900]