Giving Bad News / Advocacy
Clerkship Reflection Paper
The goal of the reflective pieces is to introduce the concept of self-reflection and evaluation, with the aim of improving future practice. It may be difficult to reflect on the breaking bad news piece if you did not have a chance to witness such an event. You may then want to focus on some other aspect of difficult communication with patients/families, such as end of life care or advance directives. Advocacy reflection opportunities are abundant in the ED. There are a myriad of challenges in taking care of patients, such as discharge planning, home supports, language/cultural barriers, accessing timely diagnostic tests or consultations, socioeconomic problems, etc. You can choose to reflect and write upon any of these or other experiences and how it impacted your care on your patients.

Curriculum Block

Clerkship / Emergency Medicine Rotation
- Indicates most relevant


Clerkship Objectives


Clinical Exposure


Communicator; Culturally Aware
CanMEDS Roles
Communicator Health Advocate
Curriculum Block
Clerkship Emergency Medicine Rotation
Emergency Medicine
General MCC Objectives
Communication Skills
MCC Presentations
The Dying Patient Truth Telling
McMaster Professional Competency
Effective Communication
McMaster Program Competencies
4.2 Participate in the education of patients, families, students, trainees, peers and other health professionals 4.3 Demonstrate sensitivity, honesty, and compassion in difficult conversations, including those about death, end of life, adverse events, bad news, disclosure of errors, and other sensitive topics 4.4 Demonstrate insight and understanding about emotions and human responses to emotions that allow one to develop and manage interpersonal interactions, including the ability to manage one’s own interpersonal responses 5.1 Demonstrate accountability to patients, society, and the profession 5.2 Demonstrate compassion, integrity, and respect for others 5.3 Demonstrate altruism, appropriately balancing patient needs and self-interest/self-care 5.4 Demonstrate respect for patient confidentiality, privacy and autonomy 6.3 Advocate for quality patient care and optimal patient care systems that support patient- and population-centred care that is safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable
Physician-Patient Relations [N05.300.660.625] Terminal Care [E02.760.905] Truth Disclosure [F01.]