Curriculum Objective
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship Objectives
Knowledge of the determinants of health and outcomes in mental illness (e.g. poverty, immigration, cultural factors).
Curriculum Block
Psychiatry TTR / Clerkship / Psychiatry Rotation
- Indicates most relevant
Clinical Exposure
AFMC Entrustable Professional Activities
10. Contribute to a culture of safety and improvement
12. Educate patients on disease management, health promotion and preventive medicine
CanMEDS Roles
Health Advocate
Curriculum Block
Psychiatry TTR
Psychiatry Rotation
Level Of Competence
Knows - Clerkship
MCC Presentations
Concepts of Health and Its Determinants
McMaster Program Competencies
2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of what knowledge is, the strengths and limitations of different ways of knowing, and how knowledge is created in historical, cultural and social contexts.
6.2 Identify aspects of the healthcare system that serve as barriers and enablers of providing healthcare to and optimizing the health of patients and the population
2.5 Apply principles of socio-behavioural sciences to the provision of patient care, including assessment of the impact of psychosocial and cultural influences on health, disease, care-seeking, care concordance, care adherence and barriers to and attitudes toward care.
Mental Health [N01.400.500]
Social Determinants of Health [N01.400.675]
Objective Type