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Curriculum Database
Basic Sciences
Activities (41)
Objectives (69)
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Luke Tomczak MF1 Respirology
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Respirology / Week 1
Amanda VP MF1 Cardiovascular
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Cardiology / Week 4
Ron Chen MF1 Respirology
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Introduction to Medicine / Week 3
Nancy Jones MF2 Renal
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Renal / Week 3
Yong Mun Park MF2 Renal
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Renal / Week 3
Carmine Garcia MF2 Hematology
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Hematology / Week 1
Maxwell Greenfield MF2 Hematology
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Hematology / Week 1
Mei Wang MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 1
Shalini Mehta MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 1
Manuel Pereira MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 1
Mike Bayuk MF3 Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Gastroenterology and Nutrition / Week 2
Lauren Bick MF3 Endocrinology
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Gastroenterology and Nutrition / Week 4
Vivian Patel MF3 Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Gastroenterology and Nutrition / Week 4
Susanna Green Part 1 MF3 Endocrinology
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Endocrinology / Week 1
Chantal Landry and Keanu Clarke MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Endocrinology / Week 4
Tammy Polk MF5 Brain and Behaviour
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour / Week 1
Social determinants of child mental health
e-Learning Module
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour / Week 1
Introduction to Psychiatry
Active Large Group Session
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour / Week 1
Fergie Greer MF4 Brain and Behaviour
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour / Week 2
Gayle Parker MF4 MSK
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Musculoskeletal Medicine / Week 1
Fred Newman MF4 MSK
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Musculoskeletal Medicine / Week 4
Neuro Week 4
Clinical Pathology Conferences (CPC)
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Neuroscience / Week 4
Henry Baker IF Chronicity and Complexity
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Complexity and Chronicity / Week 1
Chronic Pelvic Pain
Large Group Session
Clerkship / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Clerkship / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Ear, Nose and Throat
Large Group Session
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Abdominal aortic aneurysms
e-Learning Module
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Burn management
e-Learning Module
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Psychosis and Personality Disorders
Concept Integration and Review
Post-clerkship / Concept Integration and Review / Week 3
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to explain the impact of poor perfusion on kidney function and apply that to the development of acute kidney injury, and recognize the importance of Traditional Medicine Ceremonies for healing.
Global Objectives
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Renal
Upon completion of this problem, students should summarize the causes, presentations and renal manifestations of intrinsic causes of acute kidney injury particularly an allergic reaction.
Global Objectives
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Renal
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to define infertility, to discuss its underlying causes and to describe a basic diagnostic approach to its evaluation. The student should be able to describe the psychological and sexual impacts of infertility.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Identify etiological factors relevant to the understanding of individual cases including consideration of the following:
General Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour
Genetic influences.
General Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour
Brain development and function.
General Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour
Early life experiences.
General Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour
Physical health.
General Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour
Socio-economic situation.
General Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour
Compare and contrast psychiatry with other clinical disciplines with respect to diagnosis and etiology.
Activity Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour
Upon completion of this case, students will be able to describe spinal deformities and their implications in children.
Global Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Musculoskeletal Medicine
Upon completion of this problem, students will be able to explain shoulder biomechanics and the etiology of chronic tendon disorders. They should explore how to individualize a treatment plan.
Global Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Musculoskeletal Medicine
Explain modifiable and non-modifiable causes of cancer.
General Objectives
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Host Defense and Neoplasia
Theories of etiology of premenstrual syndrome
Framework Objectives
Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Describe the signs, etiology and treatment of intracranial hemorrhage (subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral hemorrhage).
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Describe the characteristics, typical location, etiology and incidence of basal cell and squamous skin cancers.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Discuss the relationship (of benign and malignant skin lesions) to solar irradiation, ethnicity, previous tissue injury, and immunosuppression.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Describe the characteristics, typical locations, etiology and incidence of malignant melanoma.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Describe the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Describe the common etiologies for hemothorax.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Describe the presentations, etiologies and management of pulmonary embolus.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Discuss the differential diagnosis of ear pain (otalgia). Consider infection, trauma, neoplasm, inflammation, vascular contrast etiologies in children versus adults.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Outline the evaluation of a patient presenting with tinnitus. Describe the potential etiologies and management.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Outline the evaluation of a patient with a salivary gland mass. Describe the potential etiologies. Describe the common tumors of the salivary gland and their management.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Describe the potential etiologies of hematuria.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Discuss the etiologies and diagnostic evaluation of a patient with UTI.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Outline the etiologies and work-up of a patient with pneumaturia.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Discuss, prehepatic, intrahepatic (both non-obstructive) and posthepatic (obstructive) etiologies (for jaundice).
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Describe atherosclerosis, its etiology, prevention and sites of predilection.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Discuss neurological vs. vascular etiologies of walking induced leg pain.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Discuss musculoskeletal etiologies (of leg pain).
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Describe the etiologies and presentation of acute arterial occlusion.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Describe the signs, symptoms & etiologies of inflammatory neck masses.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Discuss the various causes of respiratory distress and respiratory insufficiency that may occur in the postoperative patient. For each complication, describe the etiology, clinical presentation, management, and methods of prevention: atelectasis; pneumonia; aspiration; pulmonary edema; pulmonary embolism (including deep venous thrombosis); fat embolism.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Discuss the possible causes of hypotension which may occur in the postoperative period. For each etiology describe its pathophysiology and treatment: hypovolemia; sepsis; cardiogenic shock - including postoperative myocardial infarction; fluid overload; arrhythmias; pericardial tamponade; medication effects
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Discuss in general, the differential diagnosis for a patient with emesis. Consider timing and character of the emesis and associated abdominal pain. Contrast etiologies in infants, children and adults.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Describe the clinical presentation and etiologies of gastric outlet obstruction.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Describe the common etiologies of mechanical small bowel obstruction.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Discuss the potential etiologies of constipation in adults and children. Consider chronic vs. acute.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Describe the clinical presentation and etiologies of large bowel obstruction.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
Discuss the causes and mechanisms of chronic rhinitis/rhinorrhea. Outline the evaluation and management of chronic rhinitis.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Surgery Rotation
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