Charles Porter MF4 Neoplasia (Archived)
Mr. Porter is a 76 year old retired steelworker who has had a long history of chronic back pain. He visits his family physician because over the last two months the pain has become more severe and now wakes him from sleep. He cannot recall any injury. Plain views of his thoracic and lumbar spine demonstrate a number of lytic lesions. A chest X-ray demonstrates that the ribs are similarly mottled. Blood work and a urine test are done. A complete blood count demonstrates mild anemia. His total protein is increased and protein electrophoresis demonstrates a monoclonal peak. Urine is positive for Bence Jones protein. His creatinine is at the high end of normal. A diagnosis of multiple myeloma is made and he is referred to a haematologist. A bone marrow biopsy demonstrates plasma cells.

Curriculum Block

Hematology / Medical Foundation 2 / Part 2
- Indicates most relevant


General Objectives


Basic Sciences
Diagnosis Genetics Histology Pathology
Cohort Year
Curriculum Block
Hematology Medical Foundation 2 Part 2
Curriculum Week
Part 2
Clinical pathology Family medicine Geriatrics Hematology Medical Oncology Palliative care
General MCC Objectives
Critical Appraisal/Medical Economics
Aged [M01.060.116.100] Anemia [C15.378.071] Antibody Formation [G12.425.071] Apoptosis [G04.299.139.160] Back Pain [C10.597.617.152] Bence Jones Protein [D12.776.124.486.485.900.120] Blood Cell Count [E01.370.225.625.107] Blood Protein Electrophoresis [E05.196.401.076] Bone Diseases [C05.116] Drug Approval [E05.337.300] Drug Costs [N05.300.375.300] Drug Therapy [E02.319] Electrophoresis [E05.196.401] Health Care Costs [N05.300.375] Multiple Myeloma [C04.557.386.720.550] Neoplastic Stem Cells [A11.872.650] Osteolysis [C05.116.264.579] Palliative Care [E02.760.666] Palliative Care [N02.421.585.666] Plasma Cells [A11.063.438.725] Proteasome Endopeptidase Complex [D05.500.562.500] Radiography, Thoracic [E01.370.350.700.730] Stem Cell Transplantation [E04.936.225.687] Urinalysis [E01.370.225.124.810]