Liam D. MF1 Cardiovascular
A 10-day-old infant is brought to the emergency room of your hospital by his mother with a history of progressive irritability and poor breastfeeding. On history, the infant was born by uncomplicated spontaneous vaginal delivery at 40 weeks gestation following a completely unremarkable pregnancy. Birth weight was 3.5 kg. The infant was well after birth and breast feeding was initiated by his mother without any problems. He was discharged home on day 2 of life. Over the subsequent days, the infant had increasing irritability and poor feeding; his mother describes him as having more difficulty at the breast, sucking for only a few seconds and then seeming short of breath. She also notices that he seems to be getting more tired and that his lips turn purple during feeding. In the emergency room, the baby is irritable and cyanotic-looking. Vital signs show a respiratory rate of 36 breaths per minute, heart rate of 195 bpm; BP 75/30 mmHg; oxygen saturation 75% on room air. He is noted to be warm and well perfused, but persistently cyanotic. On exam, he has palpable femoral pulses bilaterally, and normal breath sounds. Lung fields are clear to auscultation. He has a harsh systolic murmur best appreciated on the left upper sternal border. You provide 100% oxygen by face mask and order bloodwork, EKG and a chest X-ray.
Curriculum Block
Cardiology / Medical Foundation 1 / Part 1 / Week 3
- Indicates most relevant
General Objectives
- Review the basic embryology of the heart.
- Explain the transition from the fetal to the neonatal circulation and the most common types of congenital heart defects.
- Understand basic embryology of the heart
- Fetal circulation and transition to neonatal circulation, basic congenital heart defect
Global Objectives
End-Unit Tutorial Assessment
Mid-Unit Tutorial Assessment
Concept Application Exercise (CAE)
Basic Sciences
Human development
Cohort Year
Curriculum Block
Medical Foundation 1
Part 1
Week 3
Curriculum Week
Part 1
Week 10
Emergency Medicine
MCC Presentations
Cyanosis, Hypoxia
Failure To Thrive (Infant, Child)
Pediatric Respiratory Distress
McMaster Program Competencies
2.2 Apply biomedical scientific principles fundamental to health care for patients and populations.
Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities [C16]
Blood Gas Analysis [E01.370.]
Breast Feeding [G07.203.650.220.500.500]
Cardiovascular Abnormalities [C16.131.240]
Cardiovascular System [A07]
Cyanosis [C23.888.248]
Ductus Arteriosus [A16.378.303.395]
Dyspnea [C23.888.852.371]
Electrocardiography [E01.370.370.380.240]
Embryonic Structures [A16]
Fetal Heart [A16.378.303]
Heart Defects, Congenital [C16.131.240.400]
Heart Failure [C14.280.434]
Oxygen Inhalation Therapy [E02.880.690]
Persistent Fetal Circulation Syndrome [C16.614.694]
Prostaglandins E [D10.251.355.255.550.250]
Respiratory Sounds [C23.888.852.779]
Respiratory Therapy [E02.880]
Signs and Symptoms, Respiratory [C23.888.852]