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Susanna Green Part 1 MF3 Endocrinology
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Endocrinology / Week 1
Integrated Pain and Opioid Curriculum Course 3 - Opioid Use Disorder: Principles of Assessment and Management
e-Learning Module
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4
Adrian Scholtz Part 1
Part 5 / Integration Foundation
Novak B. Part 4 IF Chronicity and Complexity
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Complexity and Chronicity / Week 2
Ali Khan IF Chronicity and Complexity
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Complexity and Chronicity / Week 2
Formulate, communicate and implement management plans
Direct Observation Tool
Clerkship / Pediatrics Rotation / Psychiatry Rotation
Develop a mechanism-based approach to management of cardiovascular diseases: medications, behavioural modifications and population measures for prevention.
General Objectives
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Cardiology
Upon completion of this problem, the student should be able to discuss the assessment and management of the complications of chronic kidney disease and to illustrate the constraints faced by these patients recognizing the need to modify medication regimens in the face of declining renal function. Students should be able to assess the risk to relatives of a person with an autosomal dominant condition.
Global Objectives
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Renal
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to describe the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus as well as discuss its epidemiology and management strategies.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Endocrinology
Upon completion of this problem, students will analyze how social determinants of health might impact a young person's psychiatric management who is from a Black racialized community. Students will demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to a diverse population and explore the impact of intersectionality on mental health. Upon completing this problem, students will explain the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder and discuss treatment approaches to help manage young adults with mild intellectual disability and comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder in the community.
Global Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Brain and Behaviour
Review cases of common orthopedic injuries with rationalization for methods of diagnosis and management.
Activity Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Musculoskeletal Medicine
Discuss your approach to the initial management of meningitis.
Activity Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Neuroscience
Provide a basic strategy for managing simple migraine headaches
Activity Objectives
Part 4 / Medical Foundation 4 / Neuroscience / Week 4
Upon completion of this problem, students will be able to demonstrate the integration of cardiac, respiratory, hematology and renal core concepts in critical management of a patient with complex sepsis including ethical issues with social issues and chronic drug use.
Global Objectives
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Maternal Health Risks/Aging-Related Care / Week 4
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to describe an approach to the management of chronic illness in a child with severe neurologic disease. Students should be able to describe an approach to the assessment of quality of life, goals of care and advanced care planning.
Global Objectives
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Complexity and Chronicity
Interpret the information provided and synthesize an appropriate basic management plan including:
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Orthopedic Surgery Rotation
Indications for surgery and general surgical principles.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Orthopedic Surgery Rotation
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Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Orthopedic Surgery Rotation
For the following disorders the student will interpret the information provided and synthesize an appropriate basic management plan including:
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Orthopedic Surgery Rotation
Indications for surgery and general surgical principles.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Orthopedic Surgery Rotation
Formulate an immediate and long-term management plan for the injury (fracture) including brace or cast; Indications for surgery and the general surgical principles; Rehabilitation prescription (physiotherapy, massage therapy, etc.).
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Orthopedic Surgery Rotation
For the following problems, the student will: Diagnose and recognize their importance. Analyze the situation and determine the urgency. Outline the management principles.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Orthopedic Surgery Rotation
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