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Professional Competence [I02.399.630]
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Activities (4)
Assessments (1)
Objectives (25)
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Clinical Competence [I02.399.630.210]
What is Pro Comp?
PC Session
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1 / Week 1
Trauma Informed Care
PC Session
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1 / Week 8
Professionalism Session 1: Intro to Professionalism in Practice
Large Group Session
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Introduction to Medicine / Week 2
Final iMed Reflection
PC Reflective Physician Portfolio
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Introduction to Medicine / Week 3
Define and discuss concepts of health, wellness, illness, disease, and sickness (including WHO and Health Canada definitions, Lalond Report, Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion).
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1
Explore prior and subsequent perceptions of the main categories of PIP document.
Activity Objectives
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Introduction to Medicine
Describe how different domains within the PIP document apply to cases.
Activity Objectives
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Introduction to Medicine
Understand how public policy can influence community-wide patterns of behaviour and affect the health of a population.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 2
Demonstrate skills for critical intersectional analysis.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3
Identify opportunities to educate and reflect on events of Indigenous self-determination, cultural preservation and growth to foster allyship in Indigenous Healthcare and community settings.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 3
Describe approaches and challenges to working with different vulnerable populations to improve their health. (ex. people experiencing homelessness; people at extremes of the age continuum).
General Objectives
Professional Competencies IF
Analyze and critically reflect on how the impact of physician power and privilege may contribute to disparities through biased care.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Recommend responses to key social and cultural factors that lead to poor health outcomes for individuals, families, and communities.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Plan socially-just courses of action in order to respond to the diverse factors that intersect and overlap to influence the health of the individuals, families and communities.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Always behave as a professional with honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, efficiency, competency, and altruism.
Clerkship Objectives
Clerkship / Orthopedic Surgery Rotation
Contrast a physician’s professional roles, responsibilities, and scope of practice with the respective professional roles, responsibilities, and scopes of practice of other health professionals.
General Objectives
Judge when and how to involve or consult other health professionals in patient care, as appropriate to a health professional’s roles, responsibilities, scope, and competence.
General Objectives
Demonstrate strategies for establishing common goals, continuity of care, and a climate for collaborative practice amongst all participating health professionals in the course of providing care to individuals and their caregivers.
General Objectives
Demonstrate strategies that facilitate appreciation of differences, shared decision-making, and conflict resolution amongst all participating health professionals in the course of providing care to individuals and their caregivers.
General Objectives
Illustrate how a physician’s language and behaviour can facilitate interdependent, appreciative, and trusting working relationships amongst a team of health professionals.
General Objectives
Demonstrate methods for seeking from and offering to other health professionals' feedback that improves the knowledge, work processes, and outcomes of a team of health professionals.
General Objectives
Exhibits a consistent commitment to valuing the expertise, perspectives, co-leadership, and dignity of other health professionals.
General Objectives
Demonstrate their capacity to function within inter-professional teams.
General Objectives
Describe the mechanisms for system improvement, including: responsible reporting, whistleblowing, and internal and external approaches.
General Objectives
Demonstrate awareness of how social contexts and epistemological perspective, such as privilege and power, contribute to uncertainty and ethical challenges in practice.
General Objectives
Incorporate patient, inter-professional team, and system factors into medical decision-making.
General Objectives
Demonstrate how to engage in shared decision-making with a patient, group, community, or population.
General Objectives
Know how to access and collect health information to describe the health status of a population.
General Objectives
Describe the types of data and common components (both quantitative and qualitative) used in creating a community needs assessment.
General Objectives
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Educational Measurement [I02.399]
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