Inter-professional Education and end of MF2 Assessment
PC Session
PC Session
Students will be introduced to the Interprofessional Education requirements of the program.
Curriculum Block
Part 2 / Professional Competencies 2 / Week 8
- Indicates most relevant
General Objectives
- Employ strategies for successful team functioning as they apply to various learning environments.
- Contrast a physician’s professional roles, responsibilities, and scope of practice with the respective professional roles, responsibilities, and scopes of practice of other health professionals.
- Demonstrate methods for seeking from and offering to other health professionals' feedback that improves the knowledge, work processes, and outcomes of a team of health professionals.
PC Final Student Assessment
CanMEDS Roles
Participate effectively and appropriately in an interprofessional healthcare team;
Curriculum Block
Part 2
Professional Competencies 2
Week 8
Curriculum Week
Part 2
Week 8
McMaster Professional Competency
Interprofessional Education
McMaster Program Competencies
3.1 Solicit and respond to feedback from peers, teachers, supervisors, patients, families, and members of health care teams regarding one’s knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional behaviours
3.2 Integrate feedback, external measures of performance and reflective practices to identify strengths, deficiencies, and limits in one’s knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional behaviours
3.3 Set learning and improvement goals
3.4 Identify and perform learning activities that address one’s gaps in knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes
7.6 Participate in different team roles and appropriately apply leadership skills to establish, develop, and continuously enhance team function.
8.2 Practice flexibility and maturity in adjusting to change with the capacity to alter one’s behaviour
Interprofessional Relations [F01.829.401.205]
Professional Competency