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Curriculum Database
Professional Competency
Activities (58)
Objectives (122)
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Introduction to Clinical Measurement
Watching a Video
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Respirology
Introduction to Therapy Studies
Watching a Video
Part 1 / Medical Foundation 1 / Cardiology / Week 2
What is Pro Comp?
PC Session
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1 / Week 1
Ethics - Consent
PC Session
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1 / Week 2
History of Medicine
PC Session
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1 / Week 3
Ethics - Confidentiality
PC Session
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1 / Week 4
Communication Skills 1
PC Session
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1 / Week 5
Ethical Decision-making
PC Session
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1 / Week 6
Anti-Oppressive Practice
PC Session
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1 / Week 7
Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine at Point of Care: Part 1
PC Session
Part 2 / Professional Competencies 2 / Week 1
Patient Safety
PC Session
Part 2 / Professional Competencies 2 / Week 3
Introduction to Indigenous People's Health
PC Session
Part 2 / Professional Competencies 2 / Week 4
Narrative in Medicine
PC Session
Part 2 / Professional Competencies 2 / Week 5
Communication Skills 2
PC Session
Part 2 / Professional Competencies 2 / Week 6
Intro to Canadian Health Care System
PC Session
Part 2 / Medical Foundation 2 / Professional Competencies 2 / Week 7
Inter-professional Education and end of MF2 Assessment
PC Session
Part 2 / Professional Competencies 2 / Week 8
Introduction to Population Health
PC Session
Part 3 / Professional Competencies 3 / Week 5
Using Evidence-Based Medicine at Point of Care Part 2
PC Session
Part 3 / Professional Competencies 3 / Week 6
Ethical Issues in Reproductive Health Care
PC Session
Part 3 / Professional Competencies 3 / Week 9
Communication Skills 3
PC Session
Part 3 / Professional Competencies 3 / Week 10
Culture and Health: Newcomers to Canada
PC Session
Part 3 / Professional Competencies 3 / Week 11
Health Inequities: Early Childhood Development
PC Session
Part 4 / Professional Competencies 4 / Week 1
Hidden Curriculum
PC Session
Part 4 / Professional Competencies 4 / Week 4
Communication Skills 4
PC Session
Part 4 / Professional Competencies 4 / Week 5
Medical Colonialism and Access to Healthcare for Indigenous People
PC Session
Part 4 / Week 6
Ethical Issues in End-of-Life Care
PC Session
Part 4 / Professional Competencies 4 / Week 7
Developmental Disabilities
PC Session
Part 4 / Professional Competencies 4 / Week 9
Global Health
PC Session
Part 4 / Professional Competencies 4 / Week 10
Medical/Legal Issues
PC Session
Part 4 / Professional Competencies 4 / Week 12
Self Care: Striving and Thriving, Not Merely Surviving
PC Session
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF / Week 2
PC Session
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF / Week 3
Brain Death and Organ Donation
PC Session
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF / Week 4
Serious Illness Conversations
PC Session
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF / Week 5
Recognizing and Responding to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
PC Session
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF / Week 7
Being Human in Medicine
PC Session
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF / Week 11
PC Session
Professional Competencies IF / Week 12
Anesthesia; Patient Safety and Team Communication
PC Session
Clerkship / Anesthesia Rotation
Ethical Decision Making in Emergency Medicine
e-Learning Module
Clerkship / Emergency Medicine Rotation
Internal Medicine: End-of-Life Discussions
PC Session
Clerkship / Internal Medicine Rotation
Diagnostic Studies
Watching a Video
Study Design
Watching a Video
Critical Appraisal
Watching a Video
Decision Making in Practice
Watching a Video
Apply the McMaster framework for moral reasoning.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1
Demonstrate skills of negotiation and conflict resolution.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1
Apply standards of care, institutional policies, and standard operating procedures.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1
Discuss the historical and contemporary events and the systemic factors influencing current practices and issues regarding Indigenous Health and anti-Indigenous racism, all of which impact current and future practitioners, individuals, and communities.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1
Discuss how the Canadian Heath Care system can ensure access and equity at the Micro and Macro allocation levels.
Activity Objectives
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1
Compare and contrast public versus private health care system.
Activity Objectives
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1
Apply this knowledge to case scenarios.
Activity Objectives
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1
Become aware of some of their own values and those of their peers with regards to distributive justice, resource allocation and rationing.
Activity Objectives
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1
Groups will engage in a thoughtful discussion about the anti-oppressive theoretical framework and its relevance for medical practitioners.
Activity Objectives
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1
Groups will identify their own social location and the ways that privilege manifests.
Activity Objectives
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1
Groups will explore behaviours that reflect anti-oppressive medical practices.
Activity Objectives
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1
Explain in their own words the goals of the Canada Health Act and Universal Health Insurance.
Activity Objectives
Part 1 / Professional Competencies 1
Define and discuss concepts of health, wellness, illness, disease, and sickness (including WHO and Health Canada definitions, Lalond Report, Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion).
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1
Justify how knowledge from the social sciences and humanities contributes to medical practice.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 2
Analyze the influence of gender on health concerns and health care provision.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 2
Understand how public policy can influence community-wide patterns of behaviour and affect the health of a population.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 2
Describe how individuals develop capacity for moral thought and how personal values impact on moral reasoning.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 3
Demonstrate sensitivity to the value system of patients (colleagues, other health care providers – ethical vs professionalism) and others.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3
Employ value constructs foundational to the practice of medicine and the delivery of health care, including constructs related to vulnerable and marginalized populations and to the recognition of cultural diversity (using a broad definition and understanding of culture).
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3
Describe the professional responsibility of the physician as Health Advocate in advancing the health and well-being of individuals, communities and populations.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 3
Describe the role that physicians can play in promoting health and preventing diseases at the individual and population level.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 3
Demonstrate skills for critical intersectional analysis.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3
Identify opportunities to educate and reflect on events of Indigenous self-determination, cultural preservation and growth to foster allyship in Indigenous Healthcare and community settings.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 3
Appraise, incorporate principles of resource stewardship to, and apply acquired knowledge into medical decision-making.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies 4
Apply principles of evidence-based and evidence-informed medicine in medical decision-making.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies 4
Judge when additional expertise is needed in the resolution of ethical choices and where to find appropriate resources (help, laws, policies, etc.) to obtain this help.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies 4
Describe the range and scope of contemporary medical practice as well as the role of the physician in emerging health care models.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 4
Employ strategies for successful team functioning as they apply to various learning environments.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 4
Demonstrate how to develop with patients, families, and other professionals a common understanding on issues and a shared plan of care, as defined by the Kalamazoo Consensus Statements. (CanMEDS 2015).
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 4
Summarize different “ways of knowing” about the body and how these ways affect the clinical encounter.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies 4
Assess the use of narrative in the process of meaning-making, both for patients and for clinicians.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 4
Employ and critically evaluate ethical theories and principles when exploring learning scenarios and reasoning about ethical challenges in the clinical setting.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Summarize the ethical, legal obligations and duty of care that physicians have for patients, colleagues and, communities, and the tensions that may arise from these responsibilities.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Identify ethical issues and dilemmas in their own clinical experiences related to patient care, institutional practices and health policies.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 2 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Integrate moral reasoning and judgment with communication, interpersonal, and clinical skills to provide the patients with effective and ethical care.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Identify and address problems/issues that might affect one’s own health, well-being, or professional capabilities.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Illustrate strategies to cope adaptively with stresses likely to occur during medical training and practice.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Illustrate how being a good communicator is a core clinical skill for physicians, and how effective physician-patient communication can foster patient satisfaction, physician satisfaction, adherence and improved clinical outcomes (CanMEDS 2015).
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF
Demonstrate how to perform the basic communication and interpersonal skills that are required to accomplish each of the specific and discrete tasks defined in the Kalamazoo Consensus Statements. (1999, 2002).
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF
Demonstrate the specific skills for interacting with and responding to patients who present moderate communication challenges (anger; anxiety; values different from the students’ own).
General Objectives
Professional Competencies IF
Summarize the concepts, principles, and research evidence that support the importance and efficacy of developing communication and interpersonal skills in medicine.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 2 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF
Demonstrate the acquisition of communications skills (defined by the Kalamazoo Consensus Statements as a set of conscious and behavioural norms) required to build a therapeutic relationship, to conduct an interview with a patient, to communicate about a patient, and to communicate about medicine and science.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF
Describe the determinants of health and how the differential distribution of these determinants influences health status (health gradient) both within and between populations.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies IF
Illustrate how diverse factors (sociocultural, psychological, economic, occupational, environmental, legal, political, spiritual, and technological) interact to influence the health of an individual and the population.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 2 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Plan and advocate for an appropriate course of action at both the individual- and population-level that responds to the diverse factors influencing their health.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Develop the attitude and skills for responding to patients with cultural humility.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies IF
Identify the diverse factors (ie. sociocultural, psychological, institutional, economic, occupational, environmental, technological, legal, political and spiritual) that contribute to the systemic marginalization of vulnerable populations and impact health and health care delivery.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 2 / Professional Competencies IF
Demonstrate an awareness of key health challenges faced by immigrants and refugees.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies IF
Illustrate the difference between disease and illness, and plan an approach to understanding the patient’s illness experience.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies IF
Understand the patient’s perspective on living with a chronic illness.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Appreciate the role of the inter-professional health care team in addressing chronic illness.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Appreciate the therapeutic nature of the physician-patient relationship.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Students will be able to describe the key medico-legal challenges facing students who are entering a clinical environment.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Students will be able to explain the significance of good team communication in promoting patient safety.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Students will learn the essential elements of sound record-keeping.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Students will analyze cases that illustrate key medico-legal issues.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Summarize the evidence in order to answer patients' questions about "What does this mean to me?" (prognosis).
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Recognize that even with evidence there is uncertainty.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Practice applying a framework for decision-making when ethical issues are at play.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Explain the concept of illness prevention and understand the physician’s role in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Recognize the diverse factors that influence the health of the individual and the community, and respond to these factors by advocating the appropriate course of action at both the individual and the community level.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Understand the stages of change model and appreciate the role of harm reduction in helping patients make change and improve behaviours.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Compare and contrast the clinical and population approaches to health.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Define the concepts of health advocacy and its scope.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Give three examples of the role of the physician as a health advocate acting at the individual, community and population level.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Explain the relationship between health promotion and health advocacy.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
To critically examine and reflect on one's attitudes and beliefs about grief and loss.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
To examine some of the larger held cultural myths held about grief and loss.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
To identify and incorporate respectful and compassionate behaviors for those who are bereaved in everyday contexts and professional practice.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
To appreciate the challenges faced by those who are grieving in a culture that is widely death-denying.
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Understand that physicians have a supportive role for patients when interpreting test results, communicating results and planning the future
Activity Objectives
Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF
Describe approaches and challenges to working with different vulnerable populations to improve their health. (ex. people experiencing homelessness; people at extremes of the age continuum).
General Objectives
Professional Competencies IF
Analyze and critically reflect on how the impact of physician power and privilege may contribute to disparities through biased care.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Recommend responses to key social and cultural factors that lead to poor health outcomes for individuals, families, and communities.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Plan socially-just courses of action in order to respond to the diverse factors that intersect and overlap to influence the health of the individuals, families and communities.
General Objectives
Professional Competencies 3 / Professional Competencies IF / Professional Competencies 4
Demonstrate active planning for the pursuit of knowledge and lifelong learning to maintain competency.
General Objectives
Describe professionalism as it applies to medical student practice, including formal education and clinical experiences and informal functioning within the Faculty of Health Sciences.
General Objectives
Contrast organizational structures applied within institutions and agencies accountable for the delivery of health care.
General Objectives
Demonstrate management of practice environments, including charting, public reporting expectations, and malpractice risks.
General Objectives
Demonstrate appropriate behaviours, habits, and skills required for referral and consultation.
General Objectives
Recognize personal strengths and limitations relevant to one’s practice of medicine.
General Objectives
Understand the importance and impact of interpersonal interactions in both professional and personal settings.
General Objectives
Integrate and apply performance and interpersonal feedback as part of training and practice.
General Objectives
Demonstrate how to communicate orally, in written form, and via information databases when collaborating as a member of a multidisciplinary healthcare team on the health of a patient.
General Objectives
Demonstrate how to communicate about medicine and science in a variety of contexts and appropriately for the given audience, setting, and information being presented.
General Objectives
Identify personal limitations in knowledge and pursue the information needed to understand problems and make decisions both in patient care and on the population level.
General Objectives
Search for and organize essential and accurate research evidence.
General Objectives
Identify the ways in which health systems (federal, provincial, municipal, private, non-governmental) can address structural barriers to reduce inequities in health status between population groups.
General Objectives
Contrast a physician’s professional roles, responsibilities, and scope of practice with the respective professional roles, responsibilities, and scopes of practice of other health professionals.
General Objectives
Judge when and how to involve or consult other health professionals in patient care, as appropriate to a health professional’s roles, responsibilities, scope, and competence.
General Objectives
Demonstrate strategies for establishing common goals, continuity of care, and a climate for collaborative practice amongst all participating health professionals in the course of providing care to individuals and their caregivers.
General Objectives
Demonstrate strategies that facilitate appreciation of differences, shared decision-making, and conflict resolution amongst all participating health professionals in the course of providing care to individuals and their caregivers.
General Objectives
Illustrate how a physician’s language and behaviour can facilitate interdependent, appreciative, and trusting working relationships amongst a team of health professionals.
General Objectives
Demonstrate methods for seeking from and offering to other health professionals' feedback that improves the knowledge, work processes, and outcomes of a team of health professionals.
General Objectives
Exhibits a consistent commitment to valuing the expertise, perspectives, co-leadership, and dignity of other health professionals.
General Objectives
Demonstrate their capacity to function within inter-professional teams.
General Objectives
Describe the mechanisms for system improvement, including: responsible reporting, whistleblowing, and internal and external approaches.
General Objectives
Demonstrate awareness of how social contexts and epistemological perspective, such as privilege and power, contribute to uncertainty and ethical challenges in practice.
General Objectives
Know how to access and collect health information to describe the health status of a population.
General Objectives
Describe the types of data and common components (both quantitative and qualitative) used in creating a community needs assessment.
General Objectives
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Professional Competency
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