Curriculum Objective
General Objectives
Employ value constructs foundational to the practice of medicine and the delivery of health care, including constructs related to vulnerable and marginalized populations and to the recognition of cultural diversity (using a broad definition and understanding of culture).

Curriculum Block

Professional Competencies 1 / Professional Competencies 3
- Indicates most relevant


PC Session


Communicator; Culturally Aware
CanMEDS Roles
Health Advocate
Curriculum Block
Professional Competencies 1 Professional Competencies 3
MCC Blueprint
Professional Behaviours
McMaster Professional Competency
Professionalism and Self-Awareness
McMaster Program Competencies
5.1 Demonstrate accountability to patients, society, and the profession 5.3 Demonstrate altruism, appropriately balancing patient needs and self-interest/self-care 5.10 Manage conflicts of interest and dual relationships. 5.12 Present oneself professionally to patients, families, and members of the health care team
Cultural Competency [I01.880.853.100.364] Cultural Diversity [I01.076.201.450.350] Social Marginalization [I01.880.853.872] Culturally Competent Care [N05.300.206]
Objective Type
Professional Competencies
Professional Competency

Related Objectives