Hidden Curriculum
PC Session
Define the concept of the “Hidden Curriculum.” Reflect on what forces allow the Hidden Curriculum to exist. Develop strategies to address Hidden Curriculum. Understand the impact of the Hidden curriculum on patients, learners and the healthcare system in general.

Curriculum Block

Part 4 / Professional Competencies 4 / Week 4
- Indicates most relevant


General Objectives


PC Final Student Assessment
PC Interim Student Assessment
PC Reflective Physician Portfolio
PC Integrative Exercise


Curriculum Block
Part 4 Professional Competencies 4 Week 4
Curriculum Week
Part 4 Week 4
MCC Blueprint
Professional Behaviours
McMaster Professional Competency
Professionalism and Self-Awareness
McMaster Program Competencies
6.99 Other systems-based practice 8.5 Recognize that ambiguity is part of clinical health care and respond by utilizing appropriate resources in dealing with uncertainty 8.99 Other personal and professional development
Education, Medical, Undergraduate [I02.358.399.450]
Professional Competency

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