Medical/Legal Issues
PC Session
PC Session
Provide an overview of key medico-legal issues. Provide an awareness of your role in mitigating or minimizing risk exposures. Knowledge of where and when to seek assistance should you find yourself in potential risk-laden situations. A reminder to take care of yourself when coping with the stress of patient outcomes, complaints and legal actions.
Curriculum Block
Part 4 / Professional Competencies 4 / Week 12
- Indicates most relevant
Activity Objectives
- Students will be able to describe the key medico-legal challenges facing students who are entering a clinical environment.
- Students will be able to explain the significance of good team communication in promoting patient safety.
- Students will learn the essential elements of sound record-keeping.
- Students will analyze cases that illustrate key medico-legal issues.
General Objectives
- Summarize the ethical, legal obligations and duty of care that physicians have for patients, colleagues and, communities, and the tensions that may arise from these responsibilities.
- Judge when additional expertise is needed in the resolution of ethical choices and where to find appropriate resources (help, laws, policies, etc.) to obtain this help.
- Demonstrate management of practice environments, including charting, public reporting expectations, and malpractice risks.
- Demonstrate appropriate behaviours, habits, and skills required for referral and consultation.
- Apply standards of care, institutional policies, and standard operating procedures.
PC Final Student Assessment
PC Interim Student Assessment
PC Integrative Exercise
Curriculum Block
Part 4
Professional Competencies 4
Week 12
Curriculum Week
Part 4
Week 12
General MCC Objectives
Law And Ethics
MCC Presentations
Legal system
McMaster Professional Competency
Effective Communication
Professionalism and Self-Awareness
McMaster Program Competencies
1.2 Organize and prioritize responsibilities to provide care that is safe, effective, and efficient
4.3 Demonstrate sensitivity, honesty, and compassion in difficult conversations, including those about death, end of life, adverse events, bad news, disclosure of errors, and other sensitive topics
4.5 Maintain comprehensive, timely, and legible medical records
5.1 Demonstrate accountability to patients, society, and the profession
5.7 Demonstrate the application of ethical principles to commonly encountered ethical issues such as the provision or withholding of care, confidentiality, informed consent, and including compliance with relevant laws, policies, and regulations
6.1 Understand the systems of healthcare, including federal, provincial, municipal and local, and the influences they have on the health of individuals and populations
6.9 Perform administrative and practice management responsibilities commensurate with one’s role, abilities, and qualifications
8.3 Develop the ability to use self-awareness of knowledge, skills, and emotional limitation to seek help appropriately
Jurisprudence [I01.880.604.583]
Liability, Legal [I01.880.604.583.490]
Malpractice [I01.880.604.583.524]
Professional Competency