From White Coat to Blue Gown
PC Session
This session highlights concepts and competencies covering end of life care, professionalism/self-awareness and self-care/compassion in Barbara Tatham’s journey from a physician to patient through to her final stages of comfort measures and palliative care.

Curriculum Block

Part 5 / Professional Competencies IF / Week 2
- Indicates most relevant


General Objectives


PC Final Student Assessment


AFMC Entrustable Professional Activities
9. Communicate in difficult situations
CanMEDS Roles
Self-Reflective Practitioner
Curriculum Block
Part 5 Professional Competencies IF Week 2
Curriculum Week
IF Week 2
Palliative care
MCC Presentations
The Dying Patient
McMaster Professional Competency
Professionalism and Self-Awareness Social, Cultural and Humanistic Dimensions of Health
McMaster Program Competencies
4.3 Demonstrate sensitivity, honesty, and compassion in difficult conversations, including those about death, end of life, adverse events, bad news, disclosure of errors, and other sensitive topics
Palliative Care [E02.760.666] Palliative Care [N02.421.585.666] Self Care [E02.900]

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