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Basic Sciences
Activities (39)
Objectives (175)
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Active Large Group Session
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Mei Wang MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 1
Shalini Mehta MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 1
Manuel Pereira MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 1
Susan Weiss MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 1
Early Pregnancy Management
Active Large Group Session
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 1
Mary Jane Morrison MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 2
Rachel Kowalski MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 2
GI-GU-Pelvic Imaging
Active Large Group Session
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 2
Rosemary and Tony MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 3
Samira Shah 1 MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 3
Samira Shah 2 MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 3
Savita Singh MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy / Week 4
Ethical Issues in Reproductive Health Care
PC Session
Part 3 / Professional Competencies 3 / Week 9
Riley Walker MF3 Endocrinology
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Endocrinology / Week 3
Awat Khali MF3 Endocrinology
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Endocrinology / Week 3
Kate Smith MF3 Reproduction
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Endocrinology / Week 4
Claire McFadden Part 1 IF Maternal and Child Health Risks
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Maternal Health Risks/Aging-Related Care / Week 1
Claire McFadden Part 2 IF Maternal and Child Health Risks
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Maternal Health Risks/Aging-Related Care / Week 1
Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening
Large Group Session
Clerkship / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Abnormal Labour
Large Group Session
Clerkship / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Large Group Session
Clerkship / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Clerkship / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
e-Learning Module
Clerkship / Obstetrics and Gynecology Rotation
Explain the basic science of gametogenesis, conception and implantation of pregnancy.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Describe the anatomy and histology, of the female and male reproductive system at different ages and stages of development.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Describe the anatomic and physiologic changes surrounding the onset and cessation of reproductive function in the male and female.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Describe the maternal-fetal unit as it pertains to normal pregnancy and be able to identify factors that influence this unit.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Explain the initiation and propagation of normal labour and delivery.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Explain the hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis as it pertains to the normal menstrual cycle and identify the factors that influence this hormonal axis.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Explain the factors that influence fertility in both the males and females.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Describe the role of prenatal diagnosis in pregnancy.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Conduct a reproductive history and complete a male and female reproductive examination.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Explain the process of gametogenesis.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Describe the Hypothalamic / Pituitary / Ovarian / Uterine axis and how it influences the menstrual cycle.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Recognize the complexity of the utero-placental unit.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Explain the normal physiological adaptations to pregnancy.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Define a teratogen.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Compare and contrast warfarin and low molecular weight heparin to illustrate the effects of a teratogen on the developing fetus.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Explain the various modalities used in prenatal screening tests and in prenatal diagnostic tests and compare and contrast their sensitivity, specificity and their risks and benefits.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Discuss the ethical, moral and psychological implications of a positive prenatal screening test.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Identify the factors that affect fetal growth and development.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Describe the mechanisms of normal labour and the puerperium period.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Describe the factors that effect immediate post-partum bleeding and the physiologic response to accommodate for hemorrhage in the mother.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Identify the role of the health care provider in decreasing blood loss at delivery.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Describe the anatomy of the female breast as related to lactation.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Explain the transition from fetus to newborn.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Compare and contrast the normal sexual response of the adult male and female.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Explain the mechanism of conception and the factors that influence it.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Explain the relevance of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in terms of its impact on endocrine, cardiovascular, cancer and fertility risks.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Describe the normal menstrual cycle.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Define menopause and explain the physiological process that occurs from the transition of a reproductively capable woman to a menopausal woman.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to explain the mechanisms that regulate puberty and explain the etiology of precocious puberty.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to describe the normal menstrual cycle and to identify factors that can disrupt normal female reproductive physiology.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to define infertility, to discuss its underlying causes and to describe a basic diagnostic approach to its evaluation. The student should be able to describe the psychological and sexual impacts of infertility.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Upon completion of this problem, students will have developed an approach to the investigation of male infertility, will understand meiosis and will appreciate the difference between meiosis and mitosis.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to describe the role of the X chromosome in ovarian function.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to explain the physiologic changes that occur during the menopause transition and list the causes of postmenopausal bleeding.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Upon completion of this problem, students will be able to define conception, normal and abnormal implantation and early pregnancy failure. Students will also review available options for contraception and their mechanisms of action and efficacy.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Upon completion of this problem, students will recognize prenatal screening and diagnosis in reproduction.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Upon completion of this problem, students should have explored teratogenicity in pregnancy using warfarin and low molecular weight heparin as examples.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Upon completion of this problem, students will be able to explain the mechanisms of labour and normal labour progression as well as describe the factors that affect normal labour.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Upon completion of this problem, students will be able to describe the mechanisms of the third stage of labour and be able to discuss the factors that can lead to postpartum hemorrhage (PPH).
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Upon completion of this problem, students will be able to describe the process of lactation and discuss the advantages and barriers to breastfeeding. Students will also be able to explain how disruptions in the normal flora can lead to Candidal infection.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Identify the testes, epididymis, spermatic cord and how the testis descend during fetal life with a basic understanding of the inguinal canal. Describe the layers which cover both the testes and the spermatic cord. Identify the content of the spermatic cord and understand the course of the vas deferens.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Understand blood supply, lymph drainage and innervation of the testis.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Understand the descend of the testes and the formation of inguinal canal with a focus on direct and indirect inguinal hernia.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Understand the seminal vesicles, its duct and the ejaculatory duct.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Identify and understand the prostate, its lobes, blood supply, lymphatic drainage and innervation.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Describe the penis (root, body, glans penis and prepuce or foreskin) corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum. Identify bulbouretheral glands (cowper's glands), blood supply lymphatic drainage and innervation of the penis.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Understand mechanism of erection and ejaculation.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Identify the ovary, its descent during fetal life and its blood supply, lymphatic drainage and innervation.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Understand the peritoneal folds in the pelvis with a focus on the rectovaginal (rectouterine) pouch (pouch of Douglas) and uterovesical pouch. Identify the broad ligament, round ligament of the ovary (ovarian ligament) and round ligament of the uterus. Identify the mesosalpinx, mesovarium and suspensory ligament of the ovary.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Identify the fallopian tube (uterine tube) its parts (infundibulum, with its fimbriae, ampulla, isthmus and intramural or intrauterine part) and its function. Identify both abdominal and uterine ostium and understand how the peritoneal cavity is an open cavity in female and its role in pelvic inflammatory diseases. Understand how ectopic pregnancy can happen in the fallopian tube and in the peritoneal cavity.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Identify the uterus, its parts (fundus, body and cervix), position (version and flexion), layers of the uterus, blood supply, lymphatic drainage and innervation of the uterus.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Understand support of the uterus with a focus on pelvic floor muscles (pelvic diaphragm), transverse cervical (cardinal), pubocervical and sacrocervical(uterosacral) ligaments.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Understand the vagina, its fornices, layers, blood supply, nerve supply and lymphatic drainage.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Understand external genitalia in female with a focus on labia majora and minora, hymen, clitoris their innervation, blood supply and lymphatic drainage. Identify paraurethral glands (Skene glands) and Bartholin glands (greater vestibular glands).
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Explain the mechanisms of action of methods by which conception and pregnancy can be prevented.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Describe the course of normal pregnancy and common causes of deviation from this course.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Reproduction and Pregnancy
Describe the embryology and physiology of sexual differentiation and explain the possible mechanisms involved in the presentation of ambiguous genitalia.
General Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Endocrinology
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to describe the production of steroid hormones and to interpret the implications of steroidogenic enzyme deficiencies on embryologic development and postnatal health. Students will also have reviewed the inheritance of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, discussed related genetic counselling, and considered a patient-centered approach to caring for intersex patients.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Endocrinology
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to discuss the actions of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone on embryological development and sexual differentiation.
Global Objectives
Part 3 / Medical Foundation 3 / Endocrinology
Upon completion of this problem, students should be able to identify maternal complications of pregnancy with an emphasis on hypertension, and describe resuscitative measures used in hypertensive emergencies (eclampsia). Students should be able to describe the significance of neonatal hypoglycemia and explain the principles surrounding newborn screening for inborn errors of metabolism.
Global Objectives
Part 5 / Integration Foundation / Maternal Health Risks/Aging-Related Care
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