Rana Osman MF1 Respirology
Rana Osman is a 2-year-old girl who has been previously well. She has had a barky, seal-like cough for 2 days but tonight has become acutely worse. In the emergency room, she is found to be sitting "bolt upright", with pronounced stridor on inspiration. Her inspiratory phase is prolonged. She has intercostal indrawing and suprasternal indrawing.
Curriculum Block
Introduction to Medicine / Medical Foundation 1 / Part 1 / Week 2
- Indicates most relevant
General Objectives
- Describe the factors that determine airway calibre (upper and lower), including autonomic control and chemical mediators of inflammation.
- Explain the basic pathophysiology of the diseases which result in airway obstruction (upper and lower airway).
- Explain the effects of airflow obstruction on the respiratory tract, lung mechanics and gas exchange. Use this knowledge to explain the symptoms and signs with which the patient with lower or upper airway obstruction presents.
- Explain the normal mechanics of lung inflation and deflation, including the role of intrapleural pressure in inflation of the lung and the role of tissue elasticity and surface tension in elastic recoil of the lung.
- Demonstrate the ability to participate in a group discussion, both by contributing to the discussion and by actively listening to the contributions of colleagues.
- Explain a concept effectively in a group setting.
Global Objectives
- Explain the difference between extra-thoracic and intra-thoracic airway obstruction.
- Demonstrate the ability to participate in a group discussion, both by contributing to the discussion and by actively listening to the contributions of colleagues.
- Explain a concept effectively in a group setting.
- Give and receive simple feedback between colleagues appropriately.
Concept Application Exercise (CAE)
End-Unit Tutorial Assessment
Mid-Unit Tutorial Assessment
Basic Sciences
Curriculum Block
Introduction to Medicine
Medical Foundation 1
Part 1
Week 2
Curriculum Week
Part 1
Week 2
Emergency Medicine
Pulmonary Medicine
Longitudinal Discipline
MCC Presentations
Pediatric Respiratory Distress
McMaster Program Competencies
1.3 Interpret laboratory data, imaging studies, and other tests required for the area of practice
2.2 Apply biomedical scientific principles fundamental to health care for patients and populations.
3.1 Solicit and respond to feedback from peers, teachers, supervisors, patients, families, and members of health care teams regarding one’s knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional behaviours
4.2 Participate in the education of patients, families, students, trainees, peers and other health professionals
Airway Obstruction [C08.618.846.185]
Airway Resistance [G09.772.060]
Cough [C23.888.852.293]
Croup [C08.360.535.365]
Dyspnea [C23.888.852.371]
Glottis [A04.329.364]
Inflammation [C23.550.470]
Larynx [A04.329]
Respiration [G09.772.705]
Respiratory Physiological Phenomena [G09.772]
Respiratory Sounds [G09.772.775]
Respiratory System [A04]
Respiratory Tract Diseases [C08]
Respiratory Tract Infections [C08.730]
Signs and Symptoms, Respiratory [C23.888.852]
Virus Diseases [C01.925]