Intro to Canadian Health Care System
PC Session
PC Session
Health care systems are complex organizations comprising regulatory, funding and service provision bodies that provide access to health care in accordance with societal goals and values. This session will introduce students to the organization of the Canadian health care system, the principles of the Canada Health Act and some of the current issues and debates regarding funding and health care costs.
Curriculum Block
Medical Foundation 2 / Part 2 / Professional Competencies 2 / Week 7
- Indicates most relevant
Activity Objectives
- Discuss how the Canadian Heath Care system can ensure access and equity at the Micro and Macro allocation levels.
- Compare and contrast public versus private health care system.
- Apply this knowledge to case scenarios.
- Become aware of some of their own values and those of their peers with regards to distributive justice, resource allocation and rationing.
- Explain in their own words the goals of the Canada Health Act and Universal Health Insurance.
General Objectives
- Describe the range and scope of contemporary medical practice as well as the role of the physician in emerging health care models.
- Contrast organizational structures applied within institutions and agencies accountable for the delivery of health care.
- Understand how public policy can influence community-wide patterns of behaviour and affect the health of a population.
PC Interim Student Assessment
Basic Sciences
CanMEDS Roles
Curriculum Block
Medical Foundation 2
Part 2
Professional Competencies 2
Week 7
Curriculum Week
Part 2
Week 7
McMaster Professional Competency
Moral Reasoning and Ethical Judgement
Population Health, Health Equity and Determinants of Health
McMaster Program Competencies
5.8 Balance personal values and beliefs with professional and societal ethics
6.1 Understand the systems of healthcare, including federal, provincial, municipal and local, and the influences they have on the health of individuals and populations
6.2 Identify aspects of the healthcare system that serve as barriers and enablers of providing healthcare to and optimizing the health of patients and the population
6.3 Advocate for quality patient care and optimal patient care systems that support patient- and population-centred care that is safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable
6.8 Participate in identifying system-level gaps and errors and, where appropriate, identify, implement or participate in potential system-level solutions
7.2 Use the knowledge of one’s own role and the roles of other health professionals to appropriately assess and address the health care needs of the patients and populations served
Delivery of Health Care [N05.300]
Health Care Costs [N05.300.375]
Health Care Economics and Organizations [N03]
Health Care Rationing [I01.261.750.500]
Health Care Rationing [N05.300.430.375]
Health Resources [N03.349.340]
Healthcare Disparities [N05.300.493]
Insurance, Health [N03.219.521.576.343]
Minority Groups [I01.880.853.300]
Resource Allocation [I01.261.750]
Social Justice [N03.706.437.700]
Professional Competency