Introduction to Population Health
PC Session
PC Session
This session will explore a population health approach to addressing health issues with a focus on health promotion and illness prevention.
Curriculum Block
Part 3 / Professional Competencies 3 / Week 5
- Indicates most relevant
Activity Objectives
- Explain the concept of illness prevention and understand the physician’s role in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
- Recognize the diverse factors that influence the health of the individual and the community, and respond to these factors by advocating the appropriate course of action at both the individual and the community level.
- Understand the stages of change model and appreciate the role of harm reduction in helping patients make change and improve behaviours.
- Compare and contrast the clinical and population approaches to health.
General Objectives
- Identify the ways in which health systems (federal, provincial, municipal, private, non-governmental) can address structural barriers to reduce inequities in health status between population groups.
- Define and discuss concepts of health, wellness, illness, disease, and sickness (including WHO and Health Canada definitions, Lalond Report, Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion).
- Know how to access and collect health information to describe the health status of a population.
- Describe the types of data and common components (both quantitative and qualitative) used in creating a community needs assessment.
- Describe the role that physicians can play in promoting health and preventing diseases at the individual and population level.
- Understand how public policy can influence community-wide patterns of behaviour and affect the health of a population.
PC Interim Student Assessment
PC Reflective Physician Portfolio
Basic Sciences
Prevention and control
CanMEDS Roles
Health Advocate
Identify the determinants of health of the populations that they serve;
Promote the health of individual patients, communities and populations.
Curriculum Block
Part 3
Professional Competencies 3
Week 5
Curriculum Week
Part 3
Week 5
Public health
General MCC Objectives
Health Promotion And Maintenance
MCC Presentations
Assessing and Measuring Health Status at the Population Level
Concepts of Health and Its Determinants
Interventions at the Population Level
McMaster Professional Competency
Population Health, Health Equity and Determinants of Health
McMaster Program Competencies
2.2 Apply biomedical scientific principles fundamental to health care for patients and populations.
2.4 Apply principles of epidemiological sciences to the identification of health problems, risk factors, treatment strategies, resource allocation, and disease prevention/health promotion efforts for patients and populations
2.5 Apply principles of socio-behavioural sciences to the provision of patient care, including assessment of the impact of psychosocial and cultural influences on health, disease, care-seeking, care concordance, care adherence and barriers to and attitudes toward care.
3.8 Obtain and use information about individual patients and their caregivers, populations of patients, or communities with which patients identify to improve care
3.9 Continually identify, analyze, and implement new knowledge, guidelines, standards, technologies, products, or services that have been demonstrated to improve outcomes
6.1 Understand the systems of healthcare, including federal, provincial, municipal and local, and the influences they have on the health of individuals and populations
6.2 Identify aspects of the healthcare system that serve as barriers and enablers of providing healthcare to and optimizing the health of patients and the population
6.3 Advocate for quality patient care and optimal patient care systems that support patient- and population-centred care that is safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable
6.5 Work effectively in various health care delivery settings and systems relevant to a variety of clinical specialties
6.8 Participate in identifying system-level gaps and errors and, where appropriate, identify, implement or participate in potential system-level solutions
7.2 Use the knowledge of one’s own role and the roles of other health professionals to appropriately assess and address the health care needs of the patients and populations served
COVID-19 Vaccines [D20.215.894.899.085]
COVID-19 [C08.730.610.763.500]
Harm Reduction [F01.145.477]
Health Promotion [N02.370]
Population Health [N01.400.548]
Preventive Health Services [N02.421.726]
Primary Prevention [N02.421.726.758]
Public Health [N06.850]
Secondary Prevention [N02.421.726.825]
Social Determinants of Health [N01.400.675]
Professional Competency