EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) and Indigenous Reconciliation (part 1)
Active Large Group Session
Active Large Group Session
Equity may be considered both an approach and a process that recognizes the existence of systemic social inequalities and introduces actions to proactively reduce, if not remove, institutional structural and cultural barriers to equal opportunity and inclusion. Diversity is a state or condition that reflects the broad ‘mix’ and layers, of differences in any community. In the university setting, compositional diversity refers to the numeric and proportional representation of different peoples, across many intersecting dimensions of sociocultural group identities. Inclusion is a sense of belonging and dignity, as well as the experience of meaningful engagement, empowerment, and equality of opportunity in a community.
Curriculum Block
Introduction to Medicine / Medical Foundation 1 / Part 1 / Week 1
- Indicates most relevant
Activity Objectives
- Define bias, discrimination, harassment and bullying.
- Review encouraged responses to discrimination, harassment and bullying.
- Investigate our own biases.
- Understand how we contribute to the development of safe spaces for learning and working.
General Objectives
- Identify common challenges faced by students in medical school - dealing with conflict, imposter syndrome, dealing with failure and stress, dealing with illness and unwellness, time management conflicts, financial stress, etc.
- Describe risk factors for and prevention of “un-wellness” in medical students and physicians.
- Demonstrate specific actions that build an inclusive and respectful learning environment.
Communicator; Culturally Aware
Curriculum Block
Introduction to Medicine
Medical Foundation 1
Part 1
Week 1
Curriculum Week
Part 1
Week 1
Indigenous Health
Longitudinal Discipline
Black Health
Indigenous Health
Priority Groups
MCC Presentations
Black Health
Indigenous Health
Providing anti-oppressive health care
McMaster Program Competencies
5.2 Demonstrate compassion, integrity, and respect for others
5.5 Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to a diverse patient population, including all dimensions of diversity such as those that are included in human rights legislation and federal and provincial law.
Black or African American [M01.686.372.500]
Black People [M01.686.372]
Bullying [F01.145.813.213.500]
Cultural Competency [I01.880.853.100.364]
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion [I01.076.201.450.350.500]
Harassment, Non-Sexual [F01.145.813.213]
Indigenous Canadians [M01.270.968.500.600.375]
Indigenous Canadians [M01.270.968.500.600.375]
Indigenous Peoples [M01.270.968]
Learning [F02.463.425]
Learning [F02.784.629.529]
Social Discrimination [F01.145.813.629]
Students, Medical [M01.848.769.602]