Curriculum Objective
General Objectives
Discuss the historical and contemporary events and the systemic factors influencing current practices and issues regarding Indigenous Health and anti-Indigenous racism, all of which impact current and future practitioners, individuals, and communities.

Curriculum Block

Professional Competencies 1
- Indicates most relevant


PC Session


Communicator; Culturally Aware Health Advocate
CanMEDS Roles
Health Advocate
Curriculum Block
Professional Competencies 1
Indigenous Health
Longitudinal Discipline
Indigenous Health Priority Groups
MCC Presentations
Providing anti-oppressive health care Indigenous Health
McMaster Professional Competency
Social, Cultural and Humanistic Dimensions of Health
McMaster Program Competencies
5.5 Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to a diverse patient population, including all dimensions of diversity such as those that are included in human rights legislation and federal and provincial law. 2.5 Apply principles of socio-behavioural sciences to the provision of patient care, including assessment of the impact of psychosocial and cultural influences on health, disease, care-seeking, care concordance, care adherence and barriers to and attitudes toward care. 5.6 Demonstrate a critical understanding of personal, professional and institutional power and privilege and utilize anti-oppressive practice to create patient experiences where marginalization and oppression are minimized. 3.8 Obtain and use information about individual patients and their caregivers, populations of patients, or communities with which patients identify to improve care
Cultural Competency [I01.880.853.100.364] Indigenous Canadians [M01.270.968.500.600.375] Indians, North American [M01.270.968.500.600] Indigenous Peoples [M01.270.968] Indigenous Canadians [M01.270.968.500.600.375] Healthcare Disparities [N05.300.493] Culturally Competent Care [N05.300.206] Social Determinants of Health [N01.400.675]
Objective Type
Professional Competencies
Professional Competency

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